The performance center CLI

The performance center CLI allows the retrieval of numerous statistical metrics that are not displayed in the performance center GUI. Two CLI commands are available for use with the performance center.

The following statistics are available through the performance center CLI:
  • GPFS
    • Throughput (number of bytes read and written) at the file system level
    • Throughput (number of bytes read and written) at the pool level
    • Throughput (number of bytes read and written) at the system level
  • CPU usage
    • user part
    • system part
    • idle part
    • IOWait part
    • nice part
    • hardware IRQ part
    • software IRQ part
    • CPU interrupts
    • CPU context switches
  • Memory
    • Total memory
    • Free memory
    • Buffer memory
    • Cached memory
    • Swap-free memory
    • Swap-cached memory
  • Disks
    • Disk reads
    • Disk writes
  • Network
    • Packets received
    • Packets sent
    • Bytes received
    • Bytes sent
    • Drops received
    • Drops sent
    • Errors received
    • Errors sent
    • Carrier errors
    • Collisions

The cfgperfcenter command configures (start/stop/restart/status) the performance center service. The lsperfdata command retrieves statistical data as CSV output. This command allows a user to query metrics that the GUI does not display but are tracked by the performance center.