Granting and revoking access rights to folders and files

You can grant or revoke access rights to folders and files that you own.

A domain user can change the access rights of a single file that the user owns. For an example, user test1 owns a file named test1.txt in a folder proj_docu with the permissions shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Windows explorer view of directory rights
directory rights in windows explorer

The owner of the directory, W2K3DOM01\test1, has full read, write, and execute access. The group, which is root in this example, and everyone has read access to the directory.

After the test1 user logs on to the system that is part of the w2k3dom01 domain and connects to the file system, user test1 can create the file test1.txt.
Figure 2. Windows Explorer view connected to Storwize V7000 Unified environment using UNC share
window connected to SONAS export using UNC
To view or change the access permissions of the file that the user test1 owns, the user right - clicks the file, and selects the Properties > Security tab. This opens a new window that shows the access permissions of the file for users and groups. In this example three entries are shown:
  • The group of domain users
    Figure 3. File properties for group Domain Users
    file properties for domain users
  • Everyone
    Figure 4. File properties for group Everyone
    file properties for group everyone
  • The owner of the file, user test1
    Figure 5. File properties for user test1 (owner of the file)
    file properties for user test1