Plug-ins command-line

Use the command-line interface to administer plug-ins in the catalog.

For information about working with the command-line interface, see Related concepts.

Plugin object

A Plugin object represents a particular plug-in that is defined on Cloud Pak System Software. Use the plug-in object to query and manipulate the plug-in definition. Attributes of the plug-in and relationships between the plug-in and other resources on Cloud Pak System Software are represented as Jython attributes on the Plugin object. Manipulate the Jython attributes by using standard Jython mechanisms to change the corresponding data on the product.

To get help for the Plugin object, pass it as an argument to the help() function, as shown in the following example:

>>> help(deployer.plugin)

Plugin attributes

The Plugin object has the following attributes:
The creation time of the plug-in.
Creator of the plug-in.
The description of the plug-in.
Time the plug-in was updated.
The last user who updated the plug-in.
The name of the plug-in.

Plugin methods

The Plugin object has the following methods:
  • List all plug-ins.

    deployer.plugins or deployer.plugins.list

    For example, >>>deployer.plugins

  • Get a single plug-in by index.


    For example, >>>deployer.plugins[0]

Get a single plug-in by plug-in name.

deployer.plugins.get(<plugin name>)

For example, >>>deployer.plugins.get("osgiebaosgirepo/")

Create a plug-in.

deployer.plugins.create(<file local path>)

For example, >>> deployer.plugins.create("C:\\testplugin-")