Compiling server jobs and parallel jobs

When you have finished developing a server or a parallel job, you need to compile it before you can actually run it.

About this task

Server jobs and parallel jobs are compiled on the IBM® InfoSphere® DataStage® server, and are subsequently run on the server using the InfoSphere DataStage Director.

To compile a job, open the job in the Designer and do one of the following:

If the job has unsaved changes, you are prompted to save the job by clicking OK. The Compile Job dialog box appears. This dialog box contains a display area for compilation messages and has the following buttons:

The job is compiled as soon as this dialog box appears. You must check the display area for any compilation messages or errors that are generated.

For parallel jobs there is also a force compile option. The compilation of parallel jobs is by default optimized such that transformer stages only get recompiled if they have changed since the last compilation. The force compile option overrides this and causes all transformer stages in the job to be compiled. To select this option: