Data Quality tab of the Information Governance Workspace

The data quality charts display success and failure percentages for all runs of data rules. The charts also display the number of data rule run results per policy, per information governance rule, and per steward that did not meet the target.

Important: For the data quality charts, the linkage for both information governance policy to information governance rule and information governance rule to data rule is required.
The Data Quality tab contains the following charts. You can open drill-through reports from the charts by clicking on an item in the main area of the chart or on the chart legend.
Target not met per Data Rule Steward
The chart displays, for each steward, the number of run results that did not meet the target during the latest runs of data rules. Click the area that represents a steward to open the Data Quality Details for Steward report. The details report displays the data rules that the steward is assigned to, the related information governance rules, and the database tables whose columns are bound to the data rules. The report displays each steward as it is assigned from the data rule in IBM® InfoSphere® Information Governance Catalog. You can click each asset to display a report that is specific to the asset.
Target Achievement for Data Quality
For all data rules, the chart displays the lowest and highest rate of successful runs, and the average rate of success. Click any bar of the chart to display the report Data Rule Run Results vs. Target per Data Rule, which shows results for each data rule. Click a data rule in the Data Rule Run Results vs. Target per Data Rule report to view details for the data rule, including related information governance policies, information governance rules, data rule bindings, and the number of data rule run results that did not meet the target.
Target not met per Policy
The chart displays the number of run results that did not meet the target for the latest runs of all data rules for each information governance policy. Click an area that represents a policy to open the Data Quality Details for Policy report for that policy. The details report displays run results that did not meet the target for each data rule that implements the policy. The details report also displays the information governance rules that the policy references, the data rules, and the database tables whose columns are bound to the data rules. You can click each asset to display its details report.
Target not met per Information Governance Rule
The chart displays the number of run results that did not meet the target for the latest runs of all data rules for each information governance rule. Click an area that represents an information governance rule to open the Data Quality Details for Information Governance Rule report. The details report displays run results that did not meet the target for each data rule that implements the information governance rule. The details report also displays policies that reference the information governance rules, the data rules, and the database tables whose columns are bound to the data rules. You can click each asset to display its details report.
Data Rule Run Results per Policy
For all data rules, the chart displays the percent passed of data rule runs per policies selected by the filter. Click any bar of the chart to display the report Data Quality Details for Policy, which shows results for each data rule. Click a data rule in the details report to view details for the data rule, including related information governance policies, information governance rules, data rule bindings, and the number of data rule run results that did not meet the target.
Data Rule Run Results per Information Governance Rule
For all data rules, the chart displays the percent passed of data rule runs per information governance rules selected by the filter. Click any bar of the chart to display the report Data Quality Details for Information Governance Rule, which shows results for each data rule. Click a data rule in the details report to view details for the data rule, including related information governance policies, information governance rules, data rule bindings, and the number of data rule run results that did not meet the target.

The Data Quality Summary and Data Quality Details pages have independent filters. The filters are the Policy filter and the Information Governance Rule filter.

Example of drill-through reports

A Target Achievement for Data Quality chart indicates an average pass rate of 93.4% for runs of data rules. The lowest pass rate for a run is zero and the highest is 100%.

Target Achievement for Data Quality chart

If you click any bar of the chart, the Data Rule Run Results vs. Target per Data Rule report is displayed.

Data Rule Run Results vs. Target per Data Rule report

Each row of the drill-through report shows the performance against target for a particular data rule. The bullet indicates the target level that you specified for percentage of runs passed. The horizontal bar indicates the actual percentage of runs of the data rule that passed. The target achievement level is calculated by dividing the target percentage into the actual percentage. If the actual percentage exceeds the target percentage, the calculation leads to a target achievement greater than 100%.

If you click the horizontal bar, the data quality details report for the data rule is displayed. For the selected data rule, this report lists and links to the related policies, information governance rules, and data rule bindings. In the Results of Latest Data Rule Run section, the green ✓ icon indicates that the percentage of records that passed met or exceeded the lowest target threshold that you set.

Data Quality Details for Data Rule report