Downloadable PDF Books

The IBM NetView® for z/OS 6.2.1 product library contains books in PDF format.

To obtain copies of the PDF books, follow this procedure:

  1. Download the file.
    Note: The compressed file is approximately 80 MB in size.
  2. After downloading this file, extract the PDF files.
    Tip: After you extract the .zip package, you can find the following useful files:
    • The pdfbooklist.html file, which lists all the PDF book names in this package. When you click the book name, the related PDF book will be opened in your browser.
    • The nv621pdf.pdx index file. You can search this index file rather than running a full-text search of each individual PDF book in the catalog. An index search produces a results list with links to the occurrences of the indexed documents.

You can also download each individual PDF book based on your own requirements from the following table:

Table 1. Downloadable PDF files
Book name Book form number Download site
IBM Z® NetView Administration Reference SC27286906 Downloadable PDF file
IBM Z NetView Application Programmer's Guide SC27287002 Downloadable PDF file
IBM Z NetView Automation Guide SC27284604 Downloadable PDF file
IBM Z NetView Command Reference Volume 1 (A-N) SC27284707 Downloadable PDF file
IBM Z NetView Command Reference Volume 2 (O-Z) SC27284806 Downloadable PDF file
IBM Z NetView Installation: Configuring Additional Components SC27284904 Downloadable PDF file
IBM Z NetView Installation: Configuring the NetView Enterprise Management Agent GC27285305 Downloadable PDF file
IBM Z NetView Installation: Getting Started GI11944307 Downloadable PDF file
IBM Z NetView Installation: Migration Guide GC27285406 Downloadable PDF file
IBM Z NetView IP Management SC27285502 Downloadable PDF file
IBM Z NetView Messages and Codes Volume 1 (AAU-DSI) GC27285607 Downloadable PDF file
IBM Z NetView Messages and Codes Volume 2 (DUI-IHS) GC27285707 Downloadable PDF file
IBM Z NetView Programming: Pipes SC27285906 Downloadable PDF file
IBM Z NetView Programming: REXX and the NetView Command List Language SC27286104 Downloadable PDF file
IBM Z NetView Security Reference SC27286307 Downloadable PDF file
IBM Z NetView Troubleshooting Guide GC27286504 Downloadable PDF file
IBM Z NetView Tuning Guide SC27287404 Downloadable PDF file
IBM Z NetView User's Guide: Automated Operations Network SC27286602 Downloadable PDF file
IBM Z NetView User's Guide: NetView SC27286706 Downloadable PDF file
IBM Z NetView User's Guide: NetView Enterprise Management Agent SC27287603 Downloadable PDF file
Archived books
IBM Z NetView Customization Guide SC27284904 Downloadable PDF file
IBM Z NetView Installation: Configuring Graphical Components SC27285002 Downloadable PDF file
IBM Z NetView Data Model Reference GC27285202 Downloadable PDF file
IBM Z NetView Programming: Assembler SC27285803 Downloadable PDF file
IBM Z NetView Programming: PL/I and C SC27286003 Downloadable PDF file
IBM Z NetView Resource Object Data Manager and GMFHS Programmer's Guide SC27286204 Downloadable PDF file
IBM Z NetView User's Guide: NetView Management Console SC27286802 Downloadable PDF file