
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramVARY vtam_operands

IBM-Defined Synonyms

Command or Operand Synonym

Purpose of Command

You can issue the VTAM® VARY command from a NetView® console to activate or deactivate resources. You must be authorized to issue this command.

Note: The VARY command is actually a z/OS® command, which is used by the z/OS Communications Server and other products or system components in specific ways. This documentation refers only to the NetView front-end command, which passes the VARY command on to the VTAM program.

Operand Descriptions

Enter the VARY command from the NetView console to recycle resources.

When you enter VARY from the VTAM system console, the format can differ depending on the operating system in use. See the z/OS Communications Server library for full details on operands and operating system dependencies.

Usage Notes

Consider the following when using the VARY command:
  • NetView span checking will be performed on the value of the following keywords:
    • DVIPA
    • ID
    • IPADDR (IP)
    • LU1
    • LU2
    • PLU
    • SLU
    • TSOUSER (U)
    Note: There is no checking on the ID keyword if TSOUSER is specified.
  • You can protect any VTAM keywords and values using the NetView command authorization table or using an SAF product. All VTAM command synonyms and keywords must be defined to the table or SAF product.
  • If you prefix the DISPLAY command with MVS™, the same span and command authorization checking is done.
  • See the IBM® Tivoli® NetView for z/OS Security Reference for more information and for details about the IP address format.