Importing rich text format files

Use the rich text format file importer to populate a module with the contents of a rich text format file. Unicode and other international data are included in the import.

About this task

Any text that comes before the first heading in the rich text format (RTF) file is treated as front matter. The first object that is created has the value Front Matter in the Object Heading attribute. Another object is created below the Front Matter heading object, and the text that precedes the first heading in the RTF file is imported into the Object Text attribute.

If the tool finds a picture embedded in a paragraph, it creates three objects:
  • Text that precedes the picture is inserted in the first object
  • The picture is inserted in the second object
  • Text that follows the object is stored in the third object
The system attribute PictureNum stores a number that uniquely identifies the picture.

RTF tables are imported as IBM® Engineering Requirements Management DOORS® (DOORS) tables. Pictures contained in table cells are not imported.

Importing a document in RTF format might use more resources than importing the same document as a Microsoft Word document.

When you import an RTF document, a number of module attributes are created. These attributes are used if the module is exported back to RTF, so that the resulting file has the same properties as the original.

Note: If the module contains objects, the file is imported after the current object.


  1. Click File > Import > Rich Text Format.
  2. Browse to the file that you want to import and then click Import.
  3. In the Map RTF Styles window, map the RTF styles to DOORS attributes.
    For more information, click Help.
  4. Click Import.