Centralized storage

The storage component supports secure, highly available storage and retrieval of binary data that is identified by an ID.

The storage component differs from the databases of B2B Advanced Communications. The storage component stores transaction payload information in a file system of a server. Databases store metadata, including configuration information.

For example, when you configure storage after an installation of B2B Advanced Communications, the configuration information is stored in the database that is used by the data grid. But when you start running transactions, the payload information is stored in the storage component.

The B2B Advanced Communications storage component shields other components from the details of how blobs and files are persisted. Concerns about storage characteristics are centralized in one component, rather than addressed across several components. B2B Advanced Communications storage component supports:
  • Small, medium, and large-scale installations
  • Applications with smaller volumes of large files (traditional EDI and B2B MFT)
  • Applications with high volumes of small payloads (real-time B2B web services)
  • Central management

The following terms and concepts are basic to storage in B2B Advanced Communications:

B2B Advanced Communications provides a software-only storage system, which requires only a shared file system mount.

The B2B Advanced Communications node images have a shared file system configured to meet availability needs.

The following B2B Advanced Communications components use the storage component:

The following B2B Advanced Communications components use the storage component:
  • Operational
    • Communications
    • Visibility
  • Informational
  • Messaging