Rolling back an upgrade

Starting with 21.0.3-IF007, if you want to roll back an upgrade that you pinned then you must re-provision the operators and re-create them.

About this task

You can use the Red Hat OpenShift console or the OC CLI to delete the operators Subscription and the ClusterServiceVersion (CSV).


To roll back an upgrade.

  1. List the subscriptions in the CP4BA deployment namespace.

    In the Red Hat OpenShift console, go to Workloads > Installed Operators to delete the operators Subscription and the ClusterServiceVersion.

    In the OC CLI, run the following command.

    oc get subscription
  2. Delete the subscriptions.

    In the OC CLI, run the following command.

    oc delete subscription <subscription names from step 1>
  3. List the cluster service versions in the CP4BA deployment namespace.

    In the OC CLI, run the following command.

    oc get csv
  4. Delete the cluster service versions.

    In the OC CLI, run the following command.

    oc delete csv <csv names from step 3>

    After you removed the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) resources, the custom resource still exists and the installed components continue to be in the cluster.

  5. Install the operators again by applying the previously pinned catalogs and creating the operators in the OpenShift console.

    For more information, see Setting up the cluster.

What to do next

Confirm that the system is restored, and up and running as expected.