
Workstreams are reusable automation components that you use to deliver a business outcome. For simple automation, you can use the out-of-the-box workstreams (simple approval or simple checklist) that are predefined in the system.

The predefined simple approval and simple checklist are basic workstreams that are available for you to use right away by filling in data when you start them. Use the predefined out-of-the-box workstreams for very simple, trivial tasks that you want to automate without investing any effort. For example, a quick, one-step expense or document approval, or a list of to-do items for an event you're planning.

To automate work that is slightly more complex, you can create your own workstreams using the no-code capabilities of Workstream Services. You'll start by creating your own workstream definition, which can include approval, checklist, and form activities that are arranged in any sequence that meets your needs. Using the intuitive user interface, you can easily configure each activity and assign it to a team that will work on it. Once configured, you can submit the workstream definition for trial, test it, have it reviewed and approved for publishing, and then published. When the workstream is published, it is exposed to teams in your organization that can start, use, and share it.

At a high-level, some of the main steps involved in creating your own workstream are illustrated in the following diagram:

Main steps in workstream creation