IBM File Manager for z/OS User's Guide and Reference for DB2 Data Ver 14.1

Using basic SQL prototyping

Basic SELECT prototyping uses two panels: you use the primary panel to specify the table (or tables) that contain the data you want to retrieve (FROM clause), and the secondary panel to specify the columns you want to show, any qualifying information (WHERE clause), and the sequence in which you want the data to be shown (ORDER BY clause).

To display the primary Basic SELECT Prototyping panel, select option 1 (Basic) on the SQL Prototyping, Execution and Analysis panel.

Figure 1. Primary Basic SELECT Prototyping panel
Process   Options   Utilities   Help
 FM/Db2 (DFG2)              Basic SELECT Prototyping

 Enter the name(s) of the table(s) from which to retrieve data:
     Owner           Name
   1 DSN81010      + EMP                             + Location                 
   2 DSN81010      + DEPT                            + Database         
   3               +                                 + Tbl spc.         
   4               +                                 +
   5               +                                 +
   6               +                                 +
   7               +                                 +
   8               +                                 +
   9               +                                 +
  10               +                                 +
  11               +                                 +
  12               +                                 +
  13               +                                 +
  14               +                                 +
  15               +                                 +
 Command ===>                                                                  
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F9=Swap     F12=Cancel

On this panel you can specify up to 15 tables, views, synonyms, or aliases that can be part of the SELECT statement being prototyped. If you specify more than one object, the columns for all objects specified are shown on the secondary Basic SELECT Prototyping panel when you press Enter; see Figure 2.

You cannot modify the entry-line numbers at the left of the panel (1, 2, and so on). The purpose of the entry-line number is to provide a suffix for the correlation name used to identify the Db2® object. Db2 correlation names are discussed in detail in the SQL Reference. The complete Db2 correlation name is shown in the "Tab" column on the secondary Basic SELECT Prototyping panel when you press Enter. The complete correlation name will be a capital letter, followed by the entry-line number. The capital letter will usually be 'T', but may be another letter if any of the Db2 object names start with 'T'. The Basic Prototyper ensures that the letter selected for the correlation name reference is not the same as the first letter of any Db2 object name included on the primary Basic SELECT Prototyping panel.

The columns and rows included in the result table are determined by the SELECT and WHERE clauses specified on the secondary Basic SELECT Prototyping panel, which is displayed when you specify the objects and press Enter. The examples in this section use the tables DSN81010.EMP and DSN81010.DEPT.

Tables and views are specified by optionally entering values in the Location, Database, Tbl spc. (table space), and Owner fields, and entering values in the Name fields. Synonyms are specified by entering values in the Name fields. If a value is entered in the Owner field for a synonym, it must be the current SQLID. All of the fields support catalog searches by specifying a pattern in the field. After you have specified the table names on the primary Basic SELECT Prototyping panel, press Enter to display the secondary Basic SELECT Prototyping panel.

Figure 2. Secondary Basic SELECT Prototyping panel
Process   Options   Utilities   Help
 FM/Db2 (DFG2)              Basic SELECT Prototyping                Row 1 of 19

   FROM ?
   WHERE ?

 Row count  0              Number of rows to display

 Select columns (S/A/D) or enter predicates to build the SELECT statement:

 S LOp ( Tab Column Name      + Data Type(length)  + Op Value                 )
          T1 EMPNO              CHAR(6)                                        
          T1 FIRSTNME           VARCHAR(12)                                    
          T1 MIDINIT            CHAR(1)                                        
          T1 LASTNAME           VARCHAR(15)                                    
          T1 WORKDEPT           CHAR(3)                                        
          T1 PHONENO            CHAR(4)                                        

 Command ===>                                                       Scroll PAGE
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F6=Execute   F7=Backward  F8=Forward
  F9=Swap     F12=Cancel

When initially displayed, the secondary Basic SELECT Prototyping panel shows all of the columns for the Db2 objects entered on the primary panel. You can scroll up or down if there are more columns than will fit on the display. The SQL statement being prototyped is shown at the top of the panel as 4 clauses (SELECT, FROM, WHERE and ORDER BY). An empty clause is indicated by a "?".

FM/Db2 automatically updates one or more of these clauses as you enter either primary or line commands. Each of the clause fields is an ISPF expandable field. If the field is too short to display all of the clause then a "+" will be shown at the end of the field. You can position the cursor anywhere in the field and press the ISPF EXPAND key to show the complete clause in a pop-up window.

To limit the number of rows returned in the result set when the SQL statement is executed, specify the maximum number of rows in the Row count field.

The following primary commands are available when you use basic SELECT prototyping:

Use this command to select all columns for a Db2 object. You can specify an optional parameter #n to include only the columns of the nth Db2 object displayed.
Use this command to return to the primary Basic SELECT Prototyping panel
Use this command to run the SQL statement being prototyped
Use this command to abandon all changes to the SQL statement. All clauses are returned to empty status.
Use this command to show the complete SQL statement in an ISPF editor session
Use this command to back-out the last change made.

The following line commands can be entered against any column:
