Removing sensitive data from Rhapsody Model Manager

Rhapsody Model Manager includes a mechanism for permanent removal of information from the server. This process can be used to recover from data spills or remove information that is now considered confidential. RMM index data gets cleared automatically when the administrator deletes content from a file version that contains model information instead of manually requesting for reindexing of RMM data. However, the administrator can request reindexing of content that was deleted from the previous RMM versions and manual reindexing was not requested.


  1. Identify the file in your model that has to be removed.
  2. Locate the file in the History view in Engineering Workflow Management and follow the instructions for deleting file content from the repository.
  3. When logged in as a Jazz Administrator, go to the Application Administration - Overview page for the relevant project area.
  4. In the URL displayed in the browser's address bar, add the internal=true parameter to the page address and press Enter, for example: https://localhost:9443/ccm/admin?
  5. Click Architecture Management in the menu.
  6. Optional: On the Architecture Management page, under Re-index models data, select Re-index all data for all project areas.
    Reindexing options on Architecture Management page
  7. When asked to confirm the action, click OK.
  8. Wait until the reindexing is completed.
  9. You can delete all the graphical images that are stored on the server by selecting the Remove all diagram images from server option on the Architecture Management page. Note that this will delete the images for all of the project areas.