Upgrading from an earlier to a later 5.0.x version of the IBM App Connect Operator

Use these instructions to upgrade from an earlier Long Term Support (LTS) version of IBM® App Connect Operator 5.0.x to the latest LTS version. You can do so by using the Red Hat® OpenShift® web console.

Before you begin


If you installed the IBM App Connect Operator from a product-specific App Connect catalog source, you might need to update the catalog source and images for the Operator before you start the upgrade process. For more information, see Updating the catalog sources and images for an IBM App Connect upgrade.

Your cluster should then detect the new images and an upgrade will occur to match your approval strategy.

About this task

The way in which an upgrade occurs for the IBM App Connect Operator will depend on the approval strategy that was set when the Operator was installed.


To upgrade from an earlier to the latest 5.0.x version of the IBM App Connect Operator, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Red Hat OpenShift web console for your cluster.
  2. Ensure that you are in the Administrator perspective Administrator perspective of the web console.
  3. From the navigation, click Operators > Installed Operators to display all the installed Operators in the current namespace.
  4. If necessary, select a specific namespace (project) where your IBM App Connect Operator is installed.
    Starting version number for the Operator
  5. Ensure that the IBM Cloud Pak foundational services Operator is upgraded to the latest supported version (3.19.x) for an LTS release. The IBM Cloud Pak foundational services Operator should already be set to the supported v3 LTS channel (due to your earlier 5.0.x installation), and will be automatically upgraded if a later version is discovered in this channel. (It is assumed here that the default Automatic approval strategy of the IBM Cloud Pak foundational services Operator was retained post installation.) The steps for upgrading are summarized here for reference:
    1. Click IBM Cloud Pak foundational services in the table to open the Operator details view.
    2. Click the Subscription tab and ensure that the channel is set to v3.
    3. Navigate back to Operators > Installed Operators.
  6. Choose the step that matches the approval strategy for the IBM App Connect Operator:
    • If the Operator was installed with an Automatic approval strategy, no additional user intervention is required because OLM automatically upgrades the Operator to the latest version when it detects a new version in the channel that receives updates. In the Installed Operators view, locate the IBM App Connect entry in the table. You should see the latest version of the Operator (for example, 5.0.18) and the Status column should display a value of Up to date.
      Upgraded version of the Operator
    • If the Operator was installed with a Manual approval strategy, approve the Install Plan that is created on your behalf when a new Operator version is detected in the channel:
      1. From the Installed Operators view, click IBM App Connect in the table to open the Operator details view.
      2. Click the Subscription tab. You should notice that Update approval is set to Manual, and Upgrade status is set to Upgrade available. You should also see a link in the Upgrade status section, which indicates that approval is required; for example, 1 requires approval.
        Link to initiate a Manual approval
      3. Click the link to open the InstallPlan details view and then click Preview Install Plan.
        Preview Install Plan button in the InstallPlan details view
      4. Review the plan as instructed and then click Approve.
        Approve button for an Install Plan

        The resources in the Install Plan are created, and the overall status is shown as Complete.

      5. Navigate back to Operators > Installed Operators. The IBM App Connect entry in the table should now display the latest version of the Operator (for example, 5.0.18).

What to do next

If necessary, take the required action that is needed to upgrade existing instances of App Connect Dashboard, App Connect Designer, switch servers, and integration servers. For more information, see Upgrading your instances.