Upgrading your instances

After upgrading from an earlier to the latest Long Term Support (LTS) version of IBM® App Connect Operator 5.0.x, follow these instructions if you need to manually upgrade your existing App Connect Dashboard, App Connect Designer, switch server, and integration server instances. You can generally upgrade by using the Red Hat® OpenShift® web console or CLI, or from the IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI in your IBM Cloud Pak for Integration deployment.

Before you begin


Close any existing App Connect Dashboard or App Connect Designer instance that is currently open in your browser before you attempt this upgrade.

If an existing instance is currently open in a browser during an upgrade to the latest (fully qualified) operand version, you might observe an error when you try to refresh the Dashboard or Designer page in the browser. As a workaround, reload the Dashboard or Designer instance by using the URL that is presented in the custom resource (CR).

About this task

If you want to apply custom resources from the latest Operator version to your existing instances of the App Connect Dashboard, App Connect Designer, switch server, and integration server, update the version and license settings as follows to allow the upgrade to proceed:

  1. Ensure that the spec.version value is set to subscribe to the 12.0-lts or 12.0.12-lts custom resource channel, or is set to a fully qualified version of
    Note: If you are upgrading to IBM App Connect Operator 5.0.4 or later, the Red Hat OpenShift version that you upgrade to determines which channels or versions are supported for your App Connect Dashboard, App Connect Designer, switch server, and integration server instances. For more information, see Implications for the installed Red Hat OpenShift version.
  2. Update the spec.license.licence value to an appropriate licence for the Operator version.
Important: If you are using an App Connect Dashboard instance to access or deploy your integration servers, and want to upgrade your integration servers to the latest version, you must also ensure that you upgrade the Dashboard to the latest version. Attempting to access upgraded integration servers from Dashboard instances at an older version might lead to errors of the following type due to incompatibility issues:

Unable to load integrationservers from the cluster: ...

Implications for the removal of the flowdocAuthoring container when upgrading to App Connect Designer instances at version or later:

App Connect Designer instances at version or later do not require a flowdocAuthoring container so when you upgrade from or earlier, the flowdocAuthoring pod is removed while the new ui pod starts up. During the upgrade, any flows in your Designer instance might not be visible until the ui pod is fully started.

You can upgrade any of your existing App Connect Dashboard, App Connect Designer, integration server, and switch server instances by using the Red Hat OpenShift web console or CLI. You can also upgrade integration servers directly from the App Connect Dashboard. From the IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI, you can directly upgrade only App Connect Dashboard and App Connect Designer instances.

After you upgrade your instances, ensure that Red Hat OpenShift is upgraded to a supported version in your cluster. For more information, see Upgrading your cluster to Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.12 or 4.14.

Upgrading your instances from the Red Hat OpenShift CLI


To upgrade your instances, complete the following steps:

  1. From the command line, log in to your Red Hat OpenShift cluster by using the oc login command.
  2. If necessary, switch to the namespace (or project) that contains the instances:
    oc project namespace
  3. Use your preferred method to update the spec.version and spec.license.licence values for each instance that you want to upgrade. The oc patch command is used in these steps to apply a patch with some bash shell features, but you can also use oc edit, or oc apply with the appropriate YAML.
    1. Use your preferred text editor to create a YAML file that contains the updated values. To help you choose the correct values, see spec.version values and Licensing reference for IBM App Connect Operator.

      For example, if you wanted to upgrade from a channel (such as 12.0.11-lts) or a fully qualified version (such as 12.0.M.0-rX-lts) to the latest version, you can update spec.version to use the 12.0-lts channel. And to switch the earlier license, which is incompatible with the latest release, you can update spec.license.licence to L-QECF-MBXVLU.

        version: 12.0-lts
          license: L-QECF-MBXVLU
    2. Save this file with a .yaml extension; for example, newversion.yaml.
    3. Run the following command to update the values for an instance, where:
      • kind represents the value of the kind parameter for the instance, which can be Dashboard, DesignerAuthoring, SwitchServer, or IntegrationServer. (These values are not case sensitive.)
      • instanceName is the name of the instance, which is shown as the metadata.name value.

      (Use the name of the .yaml file that you created.)

      oc patch kind instanceName --type='merge' --patch "$(cat filename.yaml)"

      For example:

      oc patch dashboard db-prod --type='merge' --patch "$(cat newversion.yaml)"
      • Other possible oc patch commands for updating the spec.version or spec.license.licence value are as follows. (These commands might show an Invalid JSON Patch message on certain operating systems.)
        oc patch kind instanceName -p '{"spec":{"version":"12.0-lts"}}' --type=merge
        oc patch kind instanceName -p '{"spec":{"license":{"license":"licenseValue"}}}' --type=merge
        oc patch kind instanceName -p '{"spec":{"version":"12.0-lts", "license":{"license":"licenseValue"}}}' --type=merge

      • The oc edit command will automatically open the default text editor for your operating system (for example, Notepad on Windows) or another configured editor. Update and save the YAML definition, and then close the text editor to apply the command.
        oc edit kind instanceName -n namespace

Upgrading your instances from the Red Hat OpenShift web console


To upgrade your instances, complete the following steps:

  1. Applicable to IBM Cloud Pak for Integration only:
    1. If not already logged in, log in to the IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI for your cluster.
    2. From the Platform UI home page, click Install operators or OpenShift Container Platform, and log in if prompted.
  2. Applicable to an IBM App Connect Operator deployment only: From a browser window, log in to the OpenShift web console for your cluster.
  3. Ensure that you are in the Administrator perspective Administrator perspective of the web console.
  4. From the navigation, click Operators > Installed Operators to display all the installed Operators in the current namespace.
  5. If necessary, select a specific namespace (project) where your IBM App Connect Operator is installed.
  6. Locate and click IBM App Connect in the table to open the Operator details view.
  7. Click the All instances tab.
  8. Complete the following steps to update the spec.version and spec.license.licence values for each instance that you want to upgrade.
    1. Click the name of the instance.
    2. Go to the YAML tab.
    3. Update the spec.version value to an LTS channel or fully qualified version, and update the spec.license.licence value to an appropriate LTS licence. To help you choose the correct values, see spec.version values and Licensing reference for IBM App Connect Operator.
    4. Click Save.

Upgrading the Dashboard or Designer from the IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI


To upgrade your App Connect Dashboard and App Connect Designer instances, complete the following steps:

  1. From a browser window, log in to the IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI.
    Tip: You can use the generated URL for a deployed IBM Cloud Pak for Integration Platform UI instance to access the IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI.
  2. From the Platform UI home page, open the navigation menu Navigation menu, and then click Administration > Integration instances.
    Any existing instances of App Connect Dashboard (Integration dashboard) and App Connect Designer (Integration design) are displayed on the Integration instances page. In the instances table, the entries in the Version column are either annotated with the text New version available or with an information icon (i) if new versions are available. The Status should also be shown as Ready, or as Warning if the current version is deprecated (or its storage is ephemeral).

  3. Complete either of the following steps:
    • Upgrade by using the Change version option:
      1. Click the options icon Options icon for an instance that you want to upgrade, and then click Change version from the menu. The "Change version" panel for the Designer or Dashboard instance opens.
      2. From the Available versions drop-down list, select an LTS channel or fully qualified custom resource (or operand) version. Also review and accept the licence that is presented in the License drop-down list. To help you choose the correct values, see spec.version values and Licensing reference for IBM App Connect Operator.
        Tip: The display names in the License drop-down list within the Change version panel map directly to the spec.license.license values. In the Licensing reference for IBM App Connect Operator topic, the display names are shown in the Description and (Display name) column in the table.
      3. Click Change version to save your changes and start the upgrade.
    • Upgrade by using the Edit option. (You might choose this option if you wanted to also modify other settings; for example, if you wanted to enable Mapping Assist in your App Connect Designer instance.)
      1. Click the options icon Options icon for an instance that you want to upgrade, and then click Edit from the menu. The Edit page for the Designer or Dashboard instance opens.
      2. From the UI form or YAML view, update the Channel or version field or spec.version value to an LTS channel or fully qualified custom resource (or operand) version. Also update the License LI field or spec.license.licence value to an appropriate LTS licence. To help you choose the correct values, see spec.version values and Licensing reference for IBM App Connect Operator.
      3. Optional. Update any other settings as required.
      4. Click Update to save your changes and start the upgrade.
    You are redirected to the Integration instances page. In the instances table, the entry in the Version column shows the updated version when the upgrade completes.

Upgrading integration servers directly from the App Connect Dashboard

From your App Connect Dashboard instance, you can change the versions of your integration servers from the options menu Options menu on the tile if required. This capability provides a way for you to upgrade your integration servers after the IBM App Connect Operator has been upgraded.

For more information, see Changing the version of a deployed integration server.

Useful commands for checking or verifying your versions and license values

Use these commands to check your versions and license values if required before upgrading, or to verify that your intended values have been applied after the upgrade.


In these commands, the value of kind can be any of: Dashboard, DesignerAuthoring, SwitchServer, or IntegrationServer. (These values are not case sensitive.) The instanceName variable denotes the name of the instance that is specified as the metadata.name value.

If necessary, include the -n namespace setting.

  • This command lists existing instances of a specific kind and shows which App Connect versions are running.

    The output displays the running App Connect versions in the RESOLVEDVERSION column.

    oc get kind


    oc get IntegrationServer
    is-01-quickstart     1          1                   false          Ready    8d
    des-ma-johndoe-designer   1          1                   false          Ready    5d4h
    des-leemajor-designer   1          1                   false          Ready    2d1h
    designer-josie-designer   1          1                   false          Ready    7d3h
    baton-test-upgrade-server   1          1                   false          Ready    20d
    oc get dashboard
    NAME               RESOLVEDVERSION   REPLICAS   CUSTOMIMAGES   STATUS   URL                                                                                                AGE
    db-01-quickstart   1          false          Ready    https://cpd-cp4i.apps.acecc-lts.acme.com/integration/run/integrations/ace-fiona/db-01-quickstart/  5d7h
    db-02-quickstart   1          false          Ready    https://cpd-cp4i.apps.acecc-lts.acme.com/integration/run/integrations/ace-fiona/db-02-quickstart/  4d23h

  • This command lists the spec and status settings of an existing instance and shows what versions can be chosen, and which one is active:
    oc get kind instanceName -o yaml

    In the output, status.versions.available identifies the available channels and fully qualified versions as well as licensing details, and status.reconciled identifies the App Connect version that is running.