Release notes for the latest release

Review these release notes for information about supported versions, new features and enhancements, and known issues and workarounds.

Version information

This release relates to the IBM® App Connect Operator 1.1.10.

About EUS: This version of the Operator is supported on the following Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform versions:
  • 4.6

    Supported as an Extended Update Support (EUS) release

    The Red Hat OpenShift 4.6 EUS release offers at least 18 months total support coverage for a minor version instead of the shorter support phases that are offered for other 4.x minor releases, and as such, can be adopted for production workloads. A Red Hat OpenShift Premium subscription is required for EUS content and support.

  • 4.10

    Supported only for migration to a Continuous Delivery (CD) or Long Term Support (LTS) release

The support requirements for the IBM App Connect Operator 1.1.10 are as follows:

Option Supported requirement
Deployment platforms Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform:
  • 4.6
  • 4.10 (Supported only for migration to CD or LTS)
Certified container Based on IBM App Connect Enterprise certified container 4.1.10
Image Contains an image of IBM App Connect Enterprise
  • Supported on IBM Cloud Pak for Integration 2020.4.1
  • Supported as an independent deployment of IBM App Connect Enterprise certified container to a cluster

This documentation relates to the release for these listed versions. Documentation for the previous releases is available in PDF format at Documentation for previous releases.

New features and enhancements

Support for new EUS-specific custom resource (or operand) versions and licenses

IBM App Connect Operator 1.1.10 provides a fully qualified version for the App Connect Dashboard, App Connect Designer Authoring, App Connect Switch Server, and App Connect Integration Server custom resources (or operands).

To create an instance or upgrade to a 1.1.10-specific version of a custom resource, you must choose both of these options:

  • Subscribe to the existing 11.0.0-eus or new channel for custom resources, or specify a fully qualified version of
  • Select a 1.1.10 EUS license for approval.

To qualify for Extended Update Support, the IBM App Connect Operator and any deployed custom resource instances must all be at an EUS level. Additionally, the following dependencies, which are installed with the IBM App Connect Operator, must be at these supported versions:

  • Operator for Apache CouchDB: version 1.4.x, 2.0.x, or later

    For new installations of the IBM App Connect Operator, CouchDB 2.0.x or later is automatically provided. If upgrading the IBM App Connect Operator and existing App Connect Dashboard, App Connect Designer, switch server, and integration server instances, ensure that CouchDB is upgraded to a supported version, as listed at Operator for Apache CouchDB compatibility with the IBM App Connect operands.

  • IBM Cloud Platform Common Services Operator 3.6.2 or later 3.6.x versions, or the later renamed IBM Cloud Pak foundational services Operator 3.19.x

    For new installations of the IBM App Connect Operator, IBM Cloud Pak foundational services 3.19.x is automatically provided. If upgrading from IBM App Connect Operator 1.1.9 or earlier, you can retain your IBM Cloud Platform Common Services Operator 3.6.x or upgrade to IBM Cloud Pak foundational services 3.19.x.

Security updates

A set of security fixes are included in this release of the Operator.

Release notes for earlier 1.1.x releases