IBM Entitled Registry entitlement keys

To pull IBM® App Connect images from the IBM Entitled Registry, you must supply your entitlement key as a Kubernetes pull secret. If you use the secret name ibm-entitlement-key, this secret will automatically be used to pull images from the IBM Entitled Registry.

Obtaining an entitlement key


To obtain an entitlement key, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in the IBM Container software library with the IBMid and password that are associated with the entitled software.
  2. Click Get entitlement key.
  3. Copy the generated entitlement key to a safe place for later use.
  4. Optional: Verify the validity of the key by using a container tool such as docker. From a command prompt, log in to the IBM Entitled Registry by running the following command, using cp as the user name, as the Docker server, and your entitlement key as the password:
    docker login --username cp --password myEntitlementKey

Adding an entitlement key to a namespace

You can use standard Kubernetes tools to create a pull secret (which contains your entitlement key) in the installation namespace of your IBM App Connect components. You must create the secret in every namespace where you want to install IBM App Connect components.


To add an entitlement key to a namespace, complete the following step:

Create a Docker registry secret by running the following command, with ibm-entitlement-key as the secret name, cp as the user name, your entitlement key as the password, and your required target namespace:
oc create secret docker-registry ibm-entitlement-key \
    --docker-username=cp \
    --docker-password=myEntitlementKey \ \

You can also use the kubectl tool instead of the oc tool to create the secret.