Enabling the IBM Operator Catalog and IBM Cloud Pak foundational services Operator

IBM provides a catalog of product offerings in the form of a catalog index image. To display the IBM offerings in the OpenShift® Operator catalog, you must enable the IBM Operator Catalog image on your Red Hat® OpenShift cluster by deploying a CatalogSource resource.

You must also add the IBM® Cloud Pak foundational services Operator (previously named IBM Cloud Platform Common Services Operator), which is a dependency for the IBM App Connect Operator, to the list of installable Operators in the OperatorHub before you install the IBM App Connect Operator. You can add the IBM Cloud Pak foundational services Operator through a CatalogSource resource.

You can install the CatalogSource objects by using the OpenShift CLI or web console. This task needs to be completed only once in a cluster.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have cluster administrator authority with cluster-admin permissions.


To install by using the OpenShift CLI, complete the following steps:

  1. Enable the IBM Operator Catalog in the OpenShift cluster:
    1. From your local computer, create a YAML file called catalog_source.yaml with the following content:
      apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
      kind: CatalogSource
        name: ibm-operator-catalog
        namespace: openshift-marketplace
        displayName: "IBM Operator Catalog" 
        publisher: IBM
        sourceType: grpc
        image: icr.io/cpopen/ibm-operator-catalog
            interval: 45m
    2. From the command line, log in to your OpenShift cluster by using the oc login command.
    3. Run the following command:
      oc apply -f catalog_source.yaml -n openshift-marketplace
    4. Verify the installation by running this command:
      oc get CatalogSources ibm-operator-catalog -n openshift-marketplace
      • If the installation was successful, you should see output that is similar to this:
        NAME                   DISPLAY                 TYPE   PUBLISHER      AGE
        ibm-operator-catalog   IBM Operator Catalog    grpc   IBM            50s
      • If the installation failed, the following message is displayed:

        Error from server (NotFound): catalogsources.operators.coreos.com "ibm-operator-catalog" not found

        To help resolve this error, run the following command to check the pods and CatalogSource resources in the openshift-marketplace namespace:

        oc get catalogsource,pods -n openshift-marketplace

        The output should provide information about your CatalogSource resources and status of the pods; for example:

        NAME                           DISPLAY        TYPE  PUBLISHER  AGE
        catalogsource.operators.coreos.com/certified-operators  Certified Operators  grpc  Red Hat   20d
        catalogsource.operators.coreos.com/community-operators  Community Operators  grpc  Red Hat   20d
        catalogsource.operators.coreos.com/ibm-operator-catalog  IBM Operator Catalog  grpc  IBM     48s
        catalogsource.operators.coreos.com/opencloud-operators  IBMCS Operators    grpc  IBM     48s
        catalogsource.operators.coreos.com/redhat-marketplace   Red Hat Marketplace  grpc  Red Hat   20d
        catalogsource.operators.coreos.com/redhat-operators    Red Hat Operators   grpc  Red Hat   20d
        NAME                    READY  STATUS  RESTARTS  AGE
        pod/certified-operators-575f586fd8-m2ldh  1/1   Running  0     41m
        pod/community-operators-57fd7676ff-sqzgs  1/1   Running  0     15h
        pod/ibm-operator-catalog-85b2w       1/1   Running  0     48s
        pod/marketplace-operator-5fcf68c65c-l8tcg  1/1   Running  0     5d8h
        pod/opencloud-operators-wbb9k        1/1   Running  0     48s
        pod/redhat-marketplace-665c9c6db4-hhfkd   1/1   Running  0     41m
        pod/redhat-operators-8678ddbc5-6szpp    1/1   Running  0     4d1h
  2. Add the IBM Cloud Pak foundational services Operator to the list of installable Operators in the OperatorHub:
    1. From your local computer, create a YAML file called catalog-source-cs.yaml with the following content:
      apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
      kind: CatalogSource
        name: opencloud-operators
        namespace: openshift-marketplace
        displayName: IBMCS Operators
        publisher: IBM
        sourceType: grpc
        image: quay.io/opencloudio/ibm-common-service-catalog:3.19
            interval: 45m
    2. From the command line, run the following command:
      oc apply -f catalog-source-cs.yaml -n openshift-marketplace
    3. Verify that the source container is running:
      oc -n openshift-marketplace get pod | grep opencloud-operators

To install by using the OpenShift web console, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the OpenShift web console.
  2. To enable the IBM Operator Catalog in the OpenShift cluster, click the plus icon OpenShift web console plus icon, and then copy and paste the resource definition from step 1.a into the Import YAML editor. Then click Create.
    Import YAML editor with the resource definition for the IBM Operator Catalog
  3. To add the IBM Cloud Pak foundational services Operator to the list of installable Operators, click the plus icon OpenShift web console plus icon, and then copy and paste the resource definition from step 2.a into the Import YAML editor. Then click Create.

What to do next

You can now install the IBM App Connect Operator as described in Installing the IBM App Connect Operator.