Resolving problems when using messages

Use the advice given here to help you to resolve common problems that can arise when you use messages.

About this task


A communication error is issued when you use the enqueue facility


  • Scenario: You use the enqueue or dequeue tools to put a message on a queue, but an error message is issued indicating that a communication error has occurred with the queue manager name.
  • Explanation: The IBM® MQ queue manager has not started.
  • Solution: Restart the IBM MQ queue manager.

The enqueue facility is not picking up changes made to a message


  • Scenario: You are using the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit message enqueue facility to put messages to IBM MQ queues. You have updated a message and want to put the message to the queue, but your changes do not seem to have been picked up.
  • Solution:
    1. Close, then reopen your enqueue file.
    2. Select the message that you want to put to the queue.
    3. Save and close the enqueue file.
    4. Select the menu next to the Put a message to a queue icon.
    5. Click Put message.
    6. Click the enqueue file in the menu.
    7. Click Finish.

    This action puts your updated message to the queue.

You do not know which header elements affect enqueue


  • Scenario: When using the Enqueue editor, the accounting token, correlation ID, group ID, and message ID in the message header do not seem to affect behavior.
  • Explanation: These fields do not affect behavior because they are not serialized properly.

Enqueue message files are still listed after they have been deleted


  • Scenario: Enqueue message files are still listed in the menu after they have been deleted.
  • Explanation: Deleted enqueue files are not removed from the menu. Nothing happens if you selecting these files.

The ESQL transform of an XML message gives unexpected results


  • Scenario: You have created an XML message that looks like the following content:
    <?xml version ="1.0" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE doc
    [<!ELEMENT doc (#PCDATA)*>]><doc><I1>100</I1></doc>
    You apply the ESQL transform:
    SET OutputRoot.XMLNS.doc.I1 = 112233;
    This transform generates the XML message (after serialization):
    <?xml version ="1.0" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE doc
    [<!ELEMENT doc (#PCDATA)*>]<I1>112233<I1>><doc><I1>100</I1></doc>
    The new value for I1 has been put inside the DOCTYPE, and has not replaced the value of 100, as you expected.
  • Explanation: The XML in your message contains two doc elements:
    • The doctype element
    • The xmlElement that represents the body of the message

    The parser has found the first instance of an element called doc and has created a child I1 with the value 112233.

  • Solution: To assign a new value to the element I1 within the message body element doc, explicitly identify the second doc element, in the following way:
    SET OutputRoot.XMLNS.(XML.tag)doc.I1 = 112233;

An XML message loses carriage return characters


  • Scenario: You are parsing an input XML message that contains carriage return or line feed characters, or you are writing an output XML message that contains carriage return line feed characters in an XML element. However, some or all the carriage return characters are not present in the output message.
  • Explanation: This behavior is correct, as described by the XML specification, and occurs in the XML, XMLNS, or XMLNSC domains.

    In XML, the main line separator characters is a line feed character. Carriage return characters are accepted in an XML document, but an XML parser normalizes any carriage return line feed characters into a single-line feed character. For more information, see the latest XML specification at Extensible Markup Language (XML), in particular, Section 2.11 End of Line Handling.

    You cannot work around this problem by embedding your data into a CDATA section; the XML specification states that a CDATA section is intended only to escape blocks of text that contain characters that could be interpreted as markup. In addition, CDATA sections are not protected from the parser.

    You cannot use the xml:space attribute to preserve carriage return line feed characters; the XML specification states that normalization of carriage return and line feed characters is done before any other processing is performed.

  • Solution: XML-compliant data must not rely on the presence of carriage return line feed characters because in XML, the line feed character is only a line feed character and XML-compliant applications or data must be aware that the parser normalizes any carriage return line feed characters.

The integration node is unable to parse an XML message


  • Scenario: You receive a large XML file and wrap it in a SOAP envelope to be passed to a .NET web service. The integration node is unable to parse the XML message
  • Explanation: The message that you receive is defined as UTF-8 but it contains UTF-16 characters, such as £. The presence of these characters causes a problem with the parser: the integration node is unable to parse the XML message because it contains an invalid character.
  • Solution: Force the coded character set ID (CCSID) to 1208 instead of the default 437.

Error message BIP5004 is issued by the XMLNS parser


  • Scenario: Error message BIP5004 is issued, indicating that the XMLNS parser has encountered a problem with an input XML message.
  • Explanation: This message is issued for a number of reasons. Some of the more commonly occurring scenarios when this message is issued are:
    • You have specified an invalid XML character in the input XML message.
    • You have included binary data in your XML message that, when treated as character data, is invalid.
    • The message has arrived as part of an IBM MQ message and the MQMD.CodedCharSetId does not correctly represent the XML text bit stream.
    • You have used characters that are recognized as markup.
  • Solution:
    • Check that your sending application is sending only valid data. If, however, it is not possible to prevent invalid characters from being included in the XML message, represent it in BLOB domain and use the ESQL REPLACE function to replace or remove the invalid characters. You can then assign the modified bit stream to the required XML parser.

      In accordance with XML specification, a CDATA section can be used only to protect characters that would be interpreted as markup. It cannot be used to protect invalid characters or binary data from the XML parser.

    • If the input XML message contains binary data, ensure that the sending application is changed to represent this data as base encoded binary encoded data. If the application cannot be changed, represent the message in the BLOB domain, and extract and replace the binary data before the bit stream is assigned to the required XML parser.
    • Check that the incoming XML message is being represented by the correct MQMD.CodedCharSetId.

Error message BIP5378 is issued by the MRM parser


  • Scenario: Error message BIP5378 is issued, which reports a problem with a missing mandatory repeating element in an MRM message.
  • Explanation: This message indicates that a mandatory repeating element is not present in the message.
    In previous releases, this condition was reported by error message BIP5374 which now reports only when a mandatory repeating element exists in the message but has the incorrect number of instances.

    If you have programmed automated error checking routines, review and change these routines if appropriate.

  • Solution:
    Check your message definition to ensure that the element must be mandatory, and repeating. The error message tells you the elements that occur before and after the expected location of the missing element. If the definition is correct, the message has not been created correctly by the sending application, which must be amended.

Error message BIP5005 is issued by the Compute node


  • Scenario: You send a simple XML message into a simple message flow. The message is:
    The Compute node in the message flow contains the following ESQL:
    SET = InputBody;
    You expect the following output message to be created:

    The Compute node generates error message BIP5005 and does not implement the ESQL.

  • Explanation: You are assigning an element of one type (root) to an element of another type (xmlElement). The parser does not do this implicit cast for you.
  • Solution: You can do the cast yourself in the ESQL to achieve the result that you want, using either of the following two casts:
    SET OutputRoot.XMLNS.(XML.Element)abc = InputBody;
    SET OutputRoot.XMLNS.(XML.tag)abc = InputBody;

A message is propagated to the Failure terminal of a TimeoutControl node


  • Scenario: The TimeoutControl node receives a message with invalid, corrupt, or missing timeout information. The message is propagated to the Failure terminal of the TimeoutControl node and an exception list is generated.
  • Explanation: The following error conditions can cause propagation to the Failure terminal:
    • A timeout request has no Action or no Identifier.
    • A SET request has an Identifier that matches an existing stored SET request for this TimeoutControl node (identified by the Unique Identifier property) and AllowOverwrite of the original request is set to FALSE.
    • A CANCEL request has an Identifier that does not match an existing stored SET request for this TimeoutControl node (identified by the Unique Identifier property).
    • A SET request has a Count of 0 or is less than -1.
    • The StartDate or StartTime are not in the correct format (or one of the understood keywords).
    • The calculated timeout is in the past.
    • The Interval is less than 0, or 0 with a Count of -1.
  • Solution: Check for one or more of the error conditions listed here, and correct them.

Message processing fails within a TimeoutNotification node


  • Scenario: A message is propagated to the Failure or Catch terminal of a TimeoutNotification node.
  • Explanation: If the processing of a timeout generates an error within the TimeoutNotification node, an exception list is generated and a message is propagated to the Failure terminal. This action is done under the same transaction, if one is being used. If the Failure terminal is not connected, propagation does not occur.

    If an error happens downstream of the TimeoutNotification node after a successful propagation (either to the Out or Failure terminal), the message is propagated to the Catch terminal (all under the same transaction). If the Catch terminal is not connected, or the propagation along the Catch flow fails, the processing of that timeout is rolled back.

  • Solution: Ensure that the Failure and Catch terminals of your TimeoutNotification node have been connected correctly.

An MRM CWF message is propagated to the Failure terminal


  • Scenario: Your MRM CWF message is propagated to a Failure terminal, and generates error messages BIP5285, BIP5125, and BIP5181 or messages BIP5285, BIP5125, and BIP5288.
  • Explanation: These errors report an inconsistency between the length of the message being processed, and the length of the message that is defined in the message model.
  • Solution: Ensure that the length of the message as defined in the CWF layer is accurate. Check and correct the definition.

Problems with XML attributes

About this task

XML tags are written where XML attributes are expected, and vice versa.


  • Explanation: The XML domains and the XML Wire Format in the MRM domain have their own representation of XML attributes.
    • XML domains rely on setting a field type of XML.Attribute in the message tree, because they have no model to parse against.
    • For the XML Wire Format in the MRM domain, the message model indicates whether an element is an attribute or a tag, therefore the message tree does not need to reflect whether a field is an attribute or a tag.

    Therefore, if fields are copied out of the XMLNS or MRM domains, the fact that fields are attributes is lost. This loss happens if they are copied out to each other, or to another message tree, such as the environment tree.

    This problem typically appears in the following situations:

  • Scenario 1: You are writing an XML message in the MRM domain, and XML tags are being written instead of XML attributes.
  • Solution 1: Check that your message tree has the same structure and sequence as the message model. If the message tree does not match the message model, the field is written as self-defining, and consequently the XML Render property is not used.
    • Switch on message validation. Validation shows where the message tree and message definition do not match.
    • Alternatively, take a user debug trace of the message flow; BIP5493W messages indicate which fields are being written as self-defining. Use this information to ensure that the message tree matches the model. When you have corrected any discrepancies, attributes are correctly written.
  • Scenario 2: An MRM message has been copied to an XMLNS domain, and the XML attributes are now written as tags.
  • Solution 2: Take one of these actions:
    • Serialize the XML message in the MRM domain, for example using the ESQL ASBITSTREAM function, then use the ESQL CREATE PARSE clause to reparse the message using the required XML domain.
    • When copying fields between the MRM domain and XMLNS, copy attribute fields individually, and specifically specify XML.Attribute on the target XML field.
  • Scenario 3: An XML message has been copied to another message tree, such as Environment. When the message is copied back to the XML message tree, XML attributes are now seen as XML tags.
  • Solution 3: Serialize the XML message, for example using the ESQL ASBITSTREAM function, then use the ESQL CREATE PARSE clause to reparse the XML message into the required target message tree. See CREATE statement for an example.
  • Scenario 4: A portion of a non-XML message tree has been detached and attached to an XML tree, and XML tags are now written as XML attributes.
  • Solution 4: Do not detach and attach portions of message trees that are owned by different parsers. Instead, use a tree copy.
  • Scenario 5: An XML tag is copied to an XML attribute and the XML attribute is not written in the output message.
  • Solution 5: When referencing the source XML tag, use the ESQL FIELDVALUE function to copy the specific field value to the target XML attribute field.

An MRM XML message exhibits unexpected behavior


  • Scenario: Your message flow is processing a message that you have modeled in the MRM. The message tree has not been created as you expected, the output XML message does not have the expected contents, or the message contents are not being validated. No error message has been issued.
  • Explanation: Two reasons might cause this problem:
    • Explanation 1: The XML physical format settings for a message set contain a property called Root Tag Name. This property defaults to MRM, in order to remain compatible with previous releases of the product. If you have not deleted the contents of this field, the MRM XMLNS parser expects the root tag for all XML messages to be MRM.

      Solution 1: Clear this field, or set it to the root tag used by all your XML messages. If you provide a value in this field, the root tag does not need to be modeled in all your message definitions.

    • Explanation 2: In order to remain backwards compatible, the integration node recognizes the format XML and invokes the XMLNS parser with specific default values. If you have created an XML physical layer for this message with the name XML, the integration node uses your definition. However, if you have not created an XML physical layer with this name, but have specified XMLNS as the format, either in the input node or the MQRFH2 header (when the input bit stream is parsed to a message tree), the integration node accepts the value specified and passes default values to the parser to create the message tree.

      Similarly, if you set XML in the Properties folder for the output message in the Compute node, this value is passed to the parser when it creates the message bit stream from the message tree, typically in the output node.

      The use of these default values by the parser might result in different content, structure, or both, for either message tree or output message. You can find further information about the action taken by the integration node in the user trace log where the following information might be written:
      XMLWorker::initializeParse file:C:\s000\src\cpi\pwf\xml\xmlworker.cpp 
      line:126 message:5409.BIPmsgs   
      No dictionary present have you specified Wire Format 'XML' in error? , 
      UserTrace   BIP5409E: XML Worker: Wire Format 'XML' specified.                                      
                            Default MRM XML settings are being used because wire format 
                            identifier 'XML' was specified and not found. 
                            This can be due to an incorrect setting of the wire format 
                            identifier in a message. 

      Solution 2: If you have incorrectly entered the identifier of the format that you have defined, correct your code and try again. If you do not want the default action to be taken, define a physical layer that produces the required results.

The MRM parser has failed to parse a message because two attributes have the same name


  • Scenario: Two attributes in different name spaces have identical names. Error message BIP5117 is issued.
  • Explanation: The MRM parser has failed to parse the message.
  • Solution: Modify the attribute names so that they are not identical. This problem is a known limitation with the parser.

You encounter problems when messages contain EBCDIC newline characters


  • Scenario: If your bit stream input message contains EBCDIC newline (NL) characters, problems might arise if your message flow changes the target CCSID to an ASCII CCSID. For example, during conversion from CCSID 1047 to CCSID 437 (US PC ASCII), an NL character is translated from hex '15' to hex '7F', which is an undefined character. The error occurs because no corresponding code point for the newline character exists in the ASCII code page.
  • Solution: You can overcome the problem in these cases:
    • On a system where the queue manager uses an ASCII code set, make sure that incoming messages do not contain any EBCDIC NL characters by:
      • Specifying that IBM MQ performs the conversion at the input node
      • Setting the queue manager attribute to convert NL to Line Feed (LF)
    • Where the input bit stream is character data, you can use MRM Tagged/Delimited message sets in a Compute node to replace the NL character with the required output.

The MIME parser produces a runtime error while parsing a message


  • Scenario: A MIME message is received by a message flow and produces a runtime error when the message is parsed.
  • Explanation: The following errors can cause the MIME parser to reject a message:
    • The MIME header is not correctly formatted.
    • Either the top-level MIME header block, or a MIME header block for a nested multipart part, does not have a valid Content-Type header.
    • The top-level Content-Type has a media type of message.
    • The top-level Content-Type has a media type of multipart and no boundary definition.
    • A MIME header block is not correctly terminated by a blank line.
    • The constituent MIME parts are not correctly separated by boundary lines.
    • A boundary parameter value occurs in the content of a MIME part.
  • Solution: Check the MIME message for one or more of the error conditions listed here, and correct them.

Runtime errors are issued when you write a MIME message from the logical message tree


  • Scenario: You are writing a MIME logical message tree as a bit stream and the parser generates a runtime error.
  • Explanation: The following errors can cause the MIME parser to reject a logical message tree:
    • The root of the tree is not called MIME.
    • The last child of MIME is not called Parts or Data.
    • The Parts element has a value-only element, and this element is not the first or last child of Parts.
    • The Parts element has children that are not value-only elements or Part children.
    • The Parts element does not have any children called Part.
    • The last child of a Data element is not a BLOB.
  • Solution: Check the MIME logical message tree for one or more of the error conditions listed here, and correct them.

Output message has an empty message body


  • Scenario: You have unexpectedly encountered an empty message body, or the ASBITSTREAM function has produced a zero length BLOB.
  • Explanation: This error can happen for the following reasons:
    • You have created a message tree folder in a user-defined node but have not associated it with an owning parser. An owning parser is not associated with the message tree if you have created standard elements by using code similar or equivalent to:
      MbElement createElementAfter(int)
      MbElement createElementAfter(int, String, Object)
      MbElement createElementAsFirstChild(int)
      MbElement createElementAsFirstChild(int, String, Object)
      MbElement createElementAsLastChild(int)
      MbElement createElementAsLastChild(int, String, Object)
      MbElement createElementBefore(int)
      MbElement createElementBefore(int, String, Object)
    • You have used ESQL to create a message tree folder by using ESQL CREATE but without setting an owning parser for it. You might have used code similar or equivalent to:
      CALL CopyMessageHeaders();
         DECLARE outRef REFERENCE TO OutputRoot;
         CREATE LASTCHILD OF outRef AS outRef NAME 'BLOB';
      or the outRef reference variable was passed to an ESQL function or procedure that contained similar CREATE statements. You have not specified an owning parser by using the DOMAIN clause on the CREATE statement.
    • An MRM message tree has been constructed, then only part of it has been passed, by specifying a subfolder or field, to the ASBITSTREAM function with the parser mode option set to RootBitStream. This combination is not valid, and results in a zero length BLOB.
    • You have copied a message tree, or part of a message tree, to a folder and the owning parser association is not maintained.
  • Solution: Depending on the reason for the empty message body or zero length BLOB, ensure that:
    • When you create a message tree folder in a user-defined node, associate an owning parser with it. Use code similar or equivalent to:
      createElementAfter(String parserName)
         createElementAsFirstChild(String parserName)
         createElementAsLastChild(String parserName)
         createElementBefore(String parserName)
    • When you use ESQL CREATE to create a message tree folder, use the DOMAIN clause to associate an owning parser with the message tree, for example:
      CALL CopyMessageHeaders();
         DECLARE outRef REFERENCE TO OutputRoot;
      This code creates a BLOB folder that has the BLOB parser associated with it.
    • When copying a message tree, or part of a message tree, ensure that the owning parser association is maintained, by first serializing, then reparsing the message into the appropriate message tree. An example scenario is where you have created a field:
      SET Environment.Variables.myMsg = InputRoot.XMLNS;
      Now you must pass it to the ASBITSTREAM function. Unless you use ESQL similar or equivalent to:
      DECLARE xmlMsgBlob BLOB
                ASBITSTREAM(InputRoot.XMLNS, InputRoot.MQMD.Encoding, InputRoot.MQMD.CodedCharSetId);
        CREATE LASTCHILD OF Environment.Variables.myMsg DOMAIN('XMLNS')
      the result is a zero length bit stream.

Output message has an invalid message body indicated by error message BIP5005, BIP5016, or BIP5017


  • Scenario: You have unexpectedly encountered a multi-root message body or a message without any root.
  • Explanation: This error can occur when you have created an XML message tree folder with multiple roots or no root at all by:
    • Using a user-defined node
    • Using an MQGet node
    • Using ESQL
  • Solution: Ensure that the final output message tree has one, and only one, XML root node.

Error message BIP5651 is issued when receiving a SOAP with Attachments message from a WebSphere Application Server client


  • Scenario: When a WebSphere® Application Server client sends a SOAP with Attachments message to the integration node over JMS, error message BIP5651 is issued stating that no valid Content-Type header has been found.
  • Explanation: When a WebSphere Application Server client sends a SOAP with Attachments message to the integration node over JMS, the MIME Content-Type value appears in the MQRFH2 header and not in the MIME message body.
  • Solution: To solve this problem, the Content-Type value needs to be copied from the MQRFH2 header to the beginning of the message as a MIME header before the message is parsed. The following ESQL adds the Content-Type value to the beginning of the WebSphere Application Server message, then invokes the MIME parser on the result.
    create procedure parseWAS_JMS(IN InputMessage reference,IN OutputMessage reference)
    * convert a WAS/JMS message to the correct format for the MIME parser 
      -- get the data as a BLOB
      declare body BLOB InputMessage.BLOB.BLOB;
      -- get the Content-Type value from the RFH2 header. Content-Type is the only
      -- header which is critical for the MIME parser, but the same approach can be
      -- used for any MIME headers which have been stored under the RFH2 header.
      declare contentType char InputMessage.MQRFH2.usr.contentType;
      -- add the contentType to the bit stream as part of an RFC822 header block
      set body = cast(('Content-Type: '||contentType) as blob ccsid 819)||x'0d0a0d0a'||body;
      -- invoke MIME parser on the modified bit stream
    A message flow can take in the JMS message in the BLOB domain, and call the procedure shown here from a Compute node. The procedure can be called by using the following ESQL from a Compute node:
     CALL CopyMessageHeaders();                 -- standard procedure to copy headers
     CALL parseWAS_JMS(InputRoot, OutputRoot);  -- parse the ‘body' as MIME

WebSphere Application Server produces an error when receiving a SOAP with Attachments message


  • Scenario: When sending a SOAP with Attachments message to a WebSphere Application Server client using JMS, an error is generated stating that the bit stream contains unexpected characters.
  • Solution: When the integration node sends a SOAP with Attachments message to WebSphere Application Server over JMS, the MIME Content-Type value must appear in the MQRFH2 header and not in the body of the message. The following procedure removes any MIME style headers from the front of the message bit stream and adds the Content-Type value to the MQRFH2 header. The supplied boundary value allows you to locate the start of the multipart MIME content.
    create procedure writeWAS_JMS(IN OutputTree reference,IN boundary char)
    * Serialise a MIME tree as normal, but then strip off any initial headers
    * and save the Content-Type value in the RFH2 header as expected by WAS/JMS.
    * Note: boundary - must be supplied with the leading hyphen pair
      -- convert MIME subtree to BLOB
      declare body BLOB asbitstream(OutputTree.MIME);
      -- locate first occurrence of boundary and discard any data before this
      declare firstBoundary integer;
      set firstBoundary = position (cast(boundary as blob ccsid 819) in body);
      set body = substring(body from firstBoundary);
      -- save the MIME Content-Type value in the RFH2 header. Any other MIME
      -- headers which need to be preserved in the RFH2 header can be handled
      -- in the same way
      set OutputTree.MQRFH2.usr."contentType" = OutputTree.MIME."Content-Type";
      -- clear the MIME tree and create a new BLOB child for the modified body
      set OutputTree.MIME = null; 
    Before calling this procedure, the message flow needs to be able to obtain the value of the boundary. This value might be available only within a Content-type header. The following procedure allows you to extract the Boundary value:
    create procedure getBoundary(IN ct reference,OUT boundary char)
    * return value of the boundary parameter from a Content-Type value
      declare boundaryStart  integer;
      declare boundaryEnd    integer;
      set boundaryStart  = position('boundary=' in ct) + 9;
      set boundaryEnd    = position(';' in ct from boundaryStart);	
      if (boundaryStart <> 0) then
        if (boundaryEnd <> 0) then
      	  set boundary  = substring(ct from boundaryStart for boundaryEnd-boundaryStart);
          set boundary  = substring(ct from boundaryStart);
        end if;		
      end if;
    A Compute node can invoke these procedures for sending a MIME message using the following ESQL:
    SET OutputRoot = InputRoot;
    declare boundary char;
    CALL getBoundary(OutputRoot.Properties.ContentType, boundary);
    CALL writeWAS_JMS(OutputRoot,boundary);

java_lang_StackOverflowError on AIX when processing a message flow that contains Java nodes and uses Java 5


  • Scenario: You get an abend on AIX® when processing a message flow that contains Java™ nodes and uses Java 5.
    The abend file shows that there was an abend which indicates a segmentation fault, but a check of the stderr file shows a stack overflow in the JVM:
    Exception in thread "Thread-15" java/lang/StackOverflowError: operating system stack overflow
            at com/ibm/broker/plugin/MbOutputTerminal._propagate    (Native Method)
            at com/ibm/broker/plugin/MbOutputTerminal.propagate    (
            at com/ibm/xsl/mqsi/XMLTransformNode.evaluate    (
            at com/ibm/broker/plugin/MbNode.evaluate (
            at com/ibm/broker/plugin/MbOutputTerminal._propagate   (Native Method)
            at com/ibm/broker/plugin/MbOutputTerminal.propagate   (
            at com/ibm/xsl/mqsi/XMLTransformNode.evaluate   (
            at com/ibm/broker/plugin/MbNode.evaluate   (
            at com/ibm/broker/plugin/MbOutputTerminal._propagate   (Native Method)
            at com/ibm/broker/plugin/MbOutputTerminal.propagate   (
            at com/ibm/xsl/mqsi/XMLTransformNode.evaluate   (
            at com/ibm/broker/plugin/MbNode.evaluate (
  • Explanation:Java 5 has a parameter to adjust the stack size for Java threads. The default operating system stack size for Java 5 is only 256 KB. In certain message flows (for example, flows that contain Java user-defined nodes or XMLT nodes) this size might not be sufficient, and so you see a stack overflow error in the stderr file. Use the JVM option -Xmso to adjust the operating system stack for Java.
    You can display information about the stack by using the following command:
    export MQSIJVERBOSE=-verbose:stack,sizes
    This command creates in the stderr file on startup an entry that has the folllowing content, or similar:
      -Xmca32K        RAM class segment increment
      -Xmco128K       ROM class segment increment
      -Xmns0K         initial new space size
      -Xmnx0K         maximum new space size
      -Xms125000K     initial memory size
      -Xmos125000K    initial old space size
      -Xmox250000K    maximum old space size
      -Xmx250000K     memory maximum
      -Xmr16K         remembered set size
      -Xlp0K          large page size
                      available large page sizes: 4K 16M
      -Xmso256K       OS thread stack size
      -Xiss2K         java thread stack initial size
      -Xssi16K        java thread stack increment
      -Xss256K        java thread stack maximum size
      -Xscmx16M       shared class cache size
    Note: The stack size defaults to 256K.
  • Solution:
    1. Issue the following command to set the operating system stack size for Java to 2 MB:
      export IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xmso2m
    2. Restart the integration node.

Unable to access messages on a remote IBM MQ queue


  • Scenario: Error message BIP2677 occurs when an MQInput node is attempting to access messages on a remote queue.
  • Explanation: This error can occur when an MQInput node is using the IBM MQ callback mechanism to receive messages from a queue.
  • Solution: Check the IBM MQ completion and reason codes in the IBM MQ product documentation to determine the cause of the error. If the error is MQ_ENVIRONMENT_ERROR (2012), a likely cause is that the SHARECNV (shared conversations) parameter for the connected channel is set to 0. To resolve the problem, ensure that the SHARECNV parameter for the channel is set to the default value of 10.

An IBM MQ message does not complete backout processing, and BackoutCount increments continuously


  • Scenario: In a running message flow, an input message on an MQInput node is continuously backed out, and the BackoutCount increments indefinitely, even if the backout threshold was reached. BIP2630 appears in the local error log.
  • Explanation: This error occurs when the message was backed out, and the queue manager for the integration node does not have a backout requeue queue or a dead letter queue defined, or there was an MQPUT error in connecting to either queue. The message cannot be put to a queue, and so is continuously backed out.
  • Solution: If this situation occurs because neither a backout requeue queue or dead letter queue exists, define one (or both) of the queues to resolve the problem. If the condition that prevented the message from being processed is resolved, you can temporarily increase the value of the BOTHRESH attribute, which forces the message through normal processing.