Enabling multiple users to work simultaneously on the same datastore

You can configure datastores to allow multiple users to work on them simultaneously. Enabling this option requires users to explicitly lock a subscription within a datastore so that others do not use it and cause conflicts. A system administrator enabled to perform user account and datastore administration can set this option either during or after datastore creation, and can also unlock subscriptions.

About this task

Note: Multiuser configuration can be enabled for CDC Replication version 6.3 Fix Pack 3 and later. It is not available for the CDC Replication Engine for Db2® for z/OS® or the CDC Replication Engine for Db2 for i.
Management Console displays the status of subscriptions in one of two ways:
  • Using status icons in the list of subscriptions in the Subscriptions view in the Configuration perspective. Depending on the state of the subscription, you will see a small lock icon to indicate that the subscription is locked, or a small box and arrow icon to indicate that the subscription is available for editing. This perspective does not provide details on who has locked a subscription.
  • Using the Subscription Active/Edit Panel, a window under the list of subscriptions in the Subscriptions perspective in the Configuration view that displays subscription status details. This panel is enabled by default. To turn it off, go to Edit > Preferences. If the subscription is available for editing and multiuser configuration is enabled, you will see a Start Editing button. If you are editing the subscription, you will see a pencil and End Editing button. If another user is editing the subscription, you will see a lock icon and details on the user who has locked the subscription. If you are an administrator enabled to perform user access and datastore administration, you will see the End Editing button when a subscription is locked by another user. If multiuser configuration is not enabled, a subscription is always available for editing unless the subscription is currently replicating.

If you disable the multiuser configuration option after it is enabled, Management Console users working with the subscriptions in this datastore will not be aware of this change until they log into Management Console again.

If you are using multiple Access Server instances on the same datastore, then you must enable or disable the datastore multiuser configuration option for each instance.


  1. Ensure that you are a system administrator and have the privileges to manage datastores and user accounts.
  2. Verify the version of your datastore.
  3. Click Access Manager > Datastore Management.
  4. Right-click on a datastore and select Properties.
  5. Ping the server by clicking Ping in the Identification area.
  6. Enable the Require subscriptions to be locked before editing check box in the Multiuser Configuration area.
  7. Click OK.
  8. If you are using multiple Access Server instances on the same datastore, then you must enable the datastore multiuser configuration option for each instance.