You can use the DISPLAY,REPL command to query a source server for metrics for subscriptions and replication mappings. You can also check the activity level of subscriptions. The commands generate reports that are issued to the console as WTO messages.

The following warning message displays on the report if no subscriptions are found:

CECM0050W A subscription matching subscriptionName was not found.

DISPLAY,REPL output could be truncated because of the multi-line WTO limitation. The last line in this case would be **** TRUNCATED ****.

Displaying subscription summary

This command displays subscription metrics for the specified subscription or for all subscriptions.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram DISPLAY , REPL , SUBSCR=subscription-nameSUBSCR=*

For delimited format subscriptions, the command displays summary information for the source server for all applicable subscriptions followed by target information that contains latency information. If there are multiple subscriptions, the source information displays first followed by target information for any delimited format subscriptions.

Displaying subscription detail

This command displays replication mapping metrics for the specified subscription or for all subscriptions.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram DISPLAY , REPL , SUBSCR=subscription-nameSUBSCR=* , DETAIL
The report output provides the same subscription metrics as the subscription summary report with a detailed section after each subscription that shows all replication mappings that are associated with the subscription. The source report also includes metrics for each replication mapping.
For a delimited format subscription that writes to IBM® MQ, the metric information that is written to the source might be inaccurate.
  • In cases when transactions were rolled back, metrics for aborted transactions are included in the report; they are not corrected.
  • If an end immediate stop of replication occurs, the mapping counts might be inaccurate because they reflect data that was rolled back for the active MQ transaction when the command was issued.
  • If a subscription is in error, the mapping counts might be inaccurate.

Displaying replication mappings

This command displays the status of all subscriptions that are associated with a replication object.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram DISPLAY , REPL , MAPPING=replication-object
The report provides information about the subscriptions that contain replication mappings for the specified replication object. It includes the status of subscriptions and replication mappings.

Displaying subscription activity level

This command displays the time that the last UOR commit was sent from the source server and the time that elapsed since the last UOR commit.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram DISPLAY , REPL , SUBSCR=subscription-nameSUBSCR=* , ACTIVITY

You can use the report output to keep track of how long it has been since the source server sent a UOR to the target.

This command displays the last UOR commit time that was applied by the target server and also displays the difference to current time. When data is flowing normally, the activity delta is close to the end-to-end latency. If data stops flowing, the activity delta continuously grows while the other latency values stay relatively stable. The latency values require new data to recalculate current latency, and if data flow stops the latency value remains stable at the last calculated value. You can use the report output to determine if latency values remained stable because of an end-of-replication data flow.

You can use the report output to keep track of how long it has been since the source server sent a UOR to the target.

Displaying subscription activity and data flow

This command produces a report that is a superset of the ACTIVITY modifier, meaning it contains all the information of the ACTIVITY report with additional information.

Use this command in your source server. If you use this command in the target server, the result is the same as the ACTIVITY command. This command displays the time that the last UOR commit was sent from the source server and the amount of time that elapsed since that commit was sent. The command also displays the source datastore commit time of the last sent UOR and the time that elapsed since that commit time, relative to when the report was requested. Additionally, this command displays EWouldBlock counts that are encountered for the subscription.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram DISPLAY , REPL , SUBSCR=subscription-nameSUBSCR=* , DATAFLOW

You can use the report output to keep track of how long it has been since the source server sent a UOR to the target and how latent the source sending is compared with when that UOR was committed in the source datastore. Increasing counts of EWouldBlocks between successive command reports indicates that in the period between commands the source experienced a delay sending data because the network is temporarily not accepting more data. That delay might be because of either a network problem or a slow target reader that caused data to fill the TCP/IP buffers.

You are more likely to see increasing EWouldBlock counts when processing historical data from the log if the source server processes data faster than the target can apply the changes, but during those periods the cause is known. The report is more useful during normal, continuous replication when you are determining the cause of unexpected latency. Seeing that EWouldBlock counts are increasing rapidly can move your analysis toward the target server and the network.


subscription name
The name of the subscription to display. You can specify the subscription name as an identifier with or without quotation marks.
asterisk (*)
An asterisk (*) displays information for all subscriptions. You can also specify an * as a wildcard character at the end of a partial subscription name. For example, specifying SUBSCR=ABC* will display all the subscription names that begin with ABC.
Displays detailed information about subscriptions and replication mappings.
Displays information about subscriptions that contain replication mappings.
replication object
The name of the replication object to display. You can specify the replication object name as an identifier with or without quotation marks.
When you specify this parameter the report includes the following detail:
Last UOR Sent
As explained in the ACTIVITY report.
Activity Delta
As explained in the ACTIVITY report.
The number of times since the subscridtion started that attemdts to send data to the target returned a response that the send could not be completed immediately and must be retried. This situation occurs when the network buffers are full of data for the connection. A small number (10s per second) of these responses during high volume periods might not signal a serious problem, but a number that grows while latency increases is a sign of either a slow network or a problem that is causing the target server to not read fast enough.
Note: This value is cumulative while the subscridtion is replicating and might wrap at the maximum for an unsigned 32-bit integer (about 4 billion). The discrete value itself is not particularly important; it is more important to see if the value is increasing between multiple invocations of the report and how fast the rate of increase is.
Last Commit
The DBMS commit timestamp of when the last UOR commit that was sent was committed at the source.
Commit Delta
The time that elapsed between when the report is produced and the last DBMS UOR commit time that was sent to the target server. This value is displayed as a number followed by the unit of measure (h, m, s, or ms). If the Commit Delta value grows in a production deployment then it might indicate a problem in the replication system that needs further review. A high Commit Delta value might be shown when historical changes are being processed from the replication log.
Note: When no cadture cache exists, you will not see either the Last Commit or Commit Delta values for an inactive subscridtion.
When you specify this parameter the report includes the following detail:
Last UOR Sent (Source server)
The local machine timestamp of when the last UOR commit was forwarded to the target server.
Last UOR Appl (Target server)
The local machine timestamp of the last UOR commit that was applied by the target server.
Activity Delta
When viewed in the source server, the time that elapsed since the last UOR commit was forwarded to the target server. When viewed in the target server, the time that elapsed since the last UOR commit applied time. This value is displayed as a number followed by the unit of measure (d, h, m, s, or ms – days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, respectively).

If the Activity Delta value grows in a production deployment, it might indicate a problem in the replication system that needs further review. You must decide what duration of inactivity is considered to be a problem. This duration might be consistent for all subscriptions or might vary by subscription. Note that inactivity is normal under the following circumstances:

  • IMS is down.
  • The subscription is not replicating (state is not REPLICATE CONTINUOUS)
  • Normal periods of inactivity such as the middle of the night.

You can use system automation to issue the DISPLAY,REPL,SUBSCR=subname,ACTIVITY and look at the following fields:

  • Subscription Name (if only interested in certain subscriptions)
  • State: If the subscription is not REPLICATE CONTINUOUS, then the Activity Delta is meaningless because it continues to grow.
  • Activity Delta: Check the value to see if it exceeds what would be considered normal. The value could be minutes for high-volume subscriptions or hours for low volume.
When you specify this parameter the report includes the following detail:
Inflight UOR Identifier
It indicates the Identifier of the UOR. For more Information, refer to Units of recovery.
It indicates the IMS PSB name.
It indicates the number of inserts in the UOR.
It indicates the number of updates in the UOR.
It indicates the no: of deletes in the UOR.
Messages Staged
It indicates the staged message count
Start time
It is the Timestamp of the UOR start time.
Restart time
It represents the Timestamp for the Restart point of the subscription.

Example 1

This example shows the output of the DISPLAY,REPL,SUBSCR command for all subscriptions whose name begins with the string 'UDB'. Note that the quantity and size of data that is received and sent can vary widely, depending on factors such as these:

  • Log data size
  • Table mappings (number and data size of mapped columns)
  • Change messages that are the result of formatting the source data
  • Data that is stored in caches after you stop and restart replication for a subscription
SrcSysID Subscription Name
======== =============================================================
              Received         Sent         State: REPLICATE CONTINUOUS
          =============== ===============   Cache:   3%
 Bytes            5430644         7550973
 Rows               16456           16456
 Refresh                0               0
 Commits             1153            1152
 Inserts            16456           16456
 Updates                0               0
 Deletes                0               0
              Received         Sent         State: REPLICATE CONTINUOUS
          =============== ===============   Cache:   3%
 Bytes          684234436       111590430
 Rows             1002000         1002000
 Refresh                0               0
 Commits             1004            1000
 Inserts                0               0
 Updates          1002000          102000
 Deletes                0               0

              Received         Sent         State: REFRESH BEFORE REPLI
          =============== ===============   Cache:   0%
 Bytes              13464           85916
 Rows                  42              42
 Refresh               42              42
 Commits                0               0
 Inserts                0               0
 Updates                0               0
 Deletes                0               0

              Received         Sent         State: STARTING
          =============== ===============   Cache:   0%
 Bytes                  0            1723
 Rows                   0               0
 Refresh                0               0
 Commits                0               0
 Inserts                0               0
 Updates                0               0
 Deletes                0               0

              Received         Sent         State: INACTIVE
          =============== ===============   Cache:   0%
 Bytes                  0               0
 Rows                   0               0
 Refresh                0               0
 Commits                0               0
 Inserts                0               0
 Updates                0               0
 Deletes                0               0

Number of source subscriptions reported: 5

Example 2

In this example, the subscription UDBSUB6 is in the state REFRESH PENDING. Table refresh operations can be expensive, so a single subscription refreshes its replication mappings serially to save system resources. The data server automatically limits the number of concurrent refreshes across multiple subscriptions, placing refresh requests that exceed the limit on a pending queue.

              Received         Sent         State: REFRESH PENDING
          =============== ===============   Cache:   0%
 Bytes                  0            1514
 Rows                   0               0
 Refresh                0               0
 Commits                0               0
 Inserts                0               0
 Updates                0               0
 Deletes                0               0

Total number of subscriptions in refresh pending: 1

Example 3

This example from the source server checks the activity level of subscription L3DBDS00.


CECM0052I SUBSCRIPTION METRICS REPORT                                      
  SrcSysID Subscription Name                                                 
  ======== =============================================================     
  L3DBDS00 L3DBDS00                                                          
               Received         Sent         State: REPLICATE CONTINUOUS     
           =============== ===============   Cache:   1%                     
   Bytes          43008089        43008089                                   
   Rows             181000          181000                                   
   Commits            1810            1810                                   
   Inserts           60331           60331                                   
   Updates           60335           60335                                   
   Deletes           60334           60334   
  Last UOR Sent: 2014-10-10-  Activity Delta: 41.722(ms)
  Number of source subscriptions reported: 1

Example 4

This example from the target server checks the activity level of subscription DEMOSUB1.

12.13.37 JOB06075  CAC00200I DISPLAY,REPL,SUBSCR=DEMOSUB1,ACTIVITY                       
12.13.37 JOB06075  CECM0059I SUBSCRIPTION METRICS ACTIVITY REPORT  805                   
   805             SrcSysID Subscription Name                                            
   805             ======== =============================================================
   805             DEMOSUB1 DEMOSUB1                                                     
   805                          Received        Applied       State: REPLICATE CONTINUOUS
   805                      =============== ===============   Cache:   0%    Latency     
   805              Bytes          54205655        54205655                  =========== 
   805              Rows             279699          279699          End2End   1.423(h)  
   805              Commits           93233           93233          Restart   1.423(h)  
   805              Inserts           93233           93233          Capture   1.404(h)  
   805              Updates           93233           93233          Network   6.823(ms) 
   805              Deletes           93233           93233          Apply     1.168(m)  
   805             Last UOR Appl: 2020-06-29- Activity Delta:   1.552(h)  
   805             Number of target subscriptions reported: 1                            
   805             END OF REPORT 

Example 5

For delimited format subscriptions, the report displays summary information for the source server for all applicable subscriptions, followed by target information that contains the following latency information:

  • End2End: End-to-end latency, which means the difference between DBMS write time and writer applied time
  • Restart: The difference between restart time and writer applied time
  • Capture: The difference between DBMS write time and capture sent time
  • Network: The difference between capture sent time and apply staged time
  • Apply: The difference between apply staged time and writer applied time

The unit transitions from (ms) -> (s) -> (m) -> (h) -> (d) as the value increases. These units are milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, and days, respectively. When the value is less than 1000 the unit is (ms); otherwise the value is divided by 1000 and if that value is less than 60 the unit is (s); otherwise the value is divided by 60 and if the value is less than 60 the unit is (m); otherwise the value is divided by 24 and if the value is less than 24 the unit is (h); otherwise the unit is (d).

SrcSysID Subscription Name                                              
======== =============================================================  
SUB1     SUB1                                                           
             Received        Applied       State: REPLICATE CONTINUOUS  
         =============== ===============   Cache:   0%    Latency       
 Bytes                 0               0                  ===========   
 Rows                  0               0          End2End   0.000(ms)   
 Commits               0               0          Restart   0.000(ms)   
 Inserts               0               0          Capture   0.000(ms)   
 Updates               0               0          Network   0.000(ms)   
 Deletes               0               0          Apply     0.000(ms)   
SUB2     SUB2                                                           
             Received        Applied       State: INACTIVE              
         =============== ===============   Cache:   0%    Latency       
 Bytes                 0               0                  ===========   
 Rows                  0               0          End2End   0.000(ms)   
 Commits               0               0          Restart   0.000(ms)   
 Inserts               0               0          Capture   0.000(ms)   
 Updates               0               0          Network   0.000(ms)   
 Deletes               0               0          Apply     0.000(ms)   
Number of target subscriptions reported: 2                              

The following example shows how other units are displayed:

CECM0052I SUBSCRIPTION METRICS REPORT                                  
 SrcSysID Subscription Name                                             
 ======== ============================================================= 
 DATA_REP DATA_REP_DEMO                                                 
              Received        Applied       State: REPLICATE CONTINUOUS 
          =============== ===============   Cache:   0%    Latency      
  Bytes              3720            3720                  ===========  
  Rows                 24              24          End2End  24.811(s)   
  Commits               1               1          Restart   1.251(h)   
  Inserts              24              24          Capture  24.802(s)   
  Updates               0               0          Network   0.085(ms)  
  Deletes               0               0          Apply     9.296(ms)  
 Number of target subscriptions reported: 1

Example 6

This example shows a data flow report.

SrcSysID Subscription Name                                            
======== =============================================================
DEMO0001 DEMO0001                                                
             Received         Sent         State: REPLICATE CONTINUOUS
         =============== ===============   Cache:   4%                
 Bytes         207311178       207311178   EWouldBlock:      65013    
 Rows            1000200         1000200                              
 Refresh               0               0                              
 Commits           10620           10620                              
 Inserts          400200          400200                              
 Updates          600000          600000                              
 Deletes               0               0                              
Last UOR Sent: 2021-06-11- Activity Delta:   2.283(m)  
Last Commit  : 2021-06-11-   Commit Delta:  11.189(m)  
Number of source subscriptions reported: 1                            

Example 7

This is an example from the source server which displays the inflight report.

SrcSysID Subscription Name                                            
======== =============================================================
DEMO0001  DEMO0001
             Received         Sent         State: REPLICATE CONTINUOUS
         =============== ===============   Cache:   0%                
Bytes                 0                0                              
Rows                  0                0                              
Refresh               0                0                              
Commits             425              425                              
Inserts               0                0                              
Updates               0                0                              
Deletes               0                0                              
Inflight UOR Identifer
     Inserts                 Updates               Deletes     Messages Staged
Start time                        Restart time
----------------       --------------    ---------------     ----------------- 
0000000000000001IME1            de237adbeb5c7c8c
                 7                   0               0              7  
       2023-11-02-   2023-11-02-
Number of source subscriptions reported : 1