The Run options

Explains how to use the menus to run projects in the CPLEX® Studio IDE.

You can solve an OPL model by clicking the Run Run button button in the execution toolbar.

You can also use right-click menus.

How the Run button works

The behavior of the Run Run toolbar button button in the execution toolbar depends on your run history.

  • As runs are executed, they are added to a numbered list that is visible by clicking the arrow button to the right of the Run Run toolbar button button.

    Run button recently-run list
  • If you have just launched CPLEX Studio and no OPL model has been run yet, clicking the Run Run toolbar button button for the first time may produce the following message:

    Unable to launch popup message

    In this case, you should try again by right-clicking the run configuration name and selecting Run this.

  • Once the list is populated, clicking the Run Run button button launches the most recently launched run configuration in the list, no matter what project is selected in the OPL Projects Navigator.


    Obviously, this does not make it possible to just click a project in the Projects Navigator and launch its default run configuration by simply clicking the Run Run button button. For this reason, many OPL users prefer the right-click menus to launch their models.

    The default behavior of the Run button is configurable. See The execution toolbar for more information.

How the Run menus work

There are additional ways to run your projects in CPLEX Studio. This section describes the menu options that can be used to launch your projects directly from the OPL Projects Navigator.

To set a default run configuration, right-click a run configuration in the project folder and select Set as Default.

Set as Default menu option.

To run your projects from the OPL Projects Navigator:

  • If you right-click the project folder, you see the following menu:

    Right-click menu in the OPL Projects Navigator with the Run option highlighted

    Two run options are listed:

    • Run > Default Run Configuration — this option executes the run configuration that is currently set as the default for this project.

    • Run > <list_of_run_configurations > — this option displays all run configurations for the project, so that you can choose which one you want to launch, whether it is currently the default run configuration or not.

  • If you right-click an individual run configuration for a project, you see the option Run this, which enables you to run only that run configuration.

    Right-click menu with a run configuration selected in the OPL Projects Navigator