Tivoli Workload Automation, Version 9.2

Options that apply to jobs and started tasks

These options apply to jobs and started tasks:

If you specify Y, an error in the job or started task (for example, an abend or JCL error) causes the operation representing the job or started task to be marked E (ended-in-error).

If you specify N, the operation is marked C (complete) when the operation ends, regardless of the outcome except for restarted jobs failing in the EQQCLEAN step, that is a step inserted into the job by the Restart and Cleanup function. In this case, the operation is marked E (Ended in Error).

For fault-tolerant agentsand automation workstations, the only valid value is Y.

The error tracking option is applied only to error conditions reported by job tracking events. An operation which specifies N for error tracking can be set to error status manually by a panel user or the OPSTAT command. Errors reported during job submission; for example missing JCL, job card inconsistencies, JCL variable errors and the installation policy for suppress-if-late option can all result in an E status for an operation which specifies error tracking N.

This field specifies the highest acceptable return code from any step in the job or started task. It is not applicable to the EQQCLEAN step in a restarted JCL.

For fault-tolerant workstations and automation workstations, the valid value is either zero or blank.

If a return code for a step in the job or started task exceeds this value, the operation is set to E (ended-in-error) status, unless there is a match with a statement in the NOERROR initialization statement. If you must specify an acceptable nonzero return code for a particular step, or steps, use the NOERROR statement.

For more details, see Using error codes to set operations to ended-in-error.

CRITICAL (default: N)
This field specifies if the operation must be considered a critical path target, meaning that at DP processing a critical path is calculated for the job to complete by its deadline. You can specify:
The operation is to be considered a critical path target.
The operation is eligible for WLM assistance.
The operation is not eligible for WLM assistance.
For details about the critical path, see Setting an operation as a critical path target.
POLICY (default: ‘ ’) and CLASS
The Workload Manager (WLM) policy and service class. If an operation is defined as a critical path target or eligible for WLM assistance, the scheduler automatically sends a request to promote the job or started task to the high-performance service class, when the conditions of the specified assistance policy are met. You can specify the following policies:
Long duration. The job is assisted if it runs beyond its estimated duration time.
Deadline. The job is assisted if it has not finished when its deadline time is reached.
Latest start time. The job is assisted if it is submitted after the latest start time.
Conditional. An algorithm calculates whether to apply the Deadline or the Latest start time policy.
‘ ’
Default. WLM uses the policy specified in the OPCOPTS statement.

This option does not apply to fault-tolerant agents.For a description of WLM, see Job scheduling and WLM.

SUBMIT (default: Y)
If you specify Y, IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS automatically starts the job or started task or issues the WTO message when all predecessors have been satisfied and all required resources are available. Usually, this is the option you choose. However, if the JCL for the job is not under IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS control, for example, when the job arrives via a RJE link, specify N.
Note: For jobs and started tasks to be automatically submitted, the JOBSUBMIT parameter on the JTOPTS initialization statement must be set to YES, and job submission must not be deactivated using the SERVICE FUNCTIONS panel (see Using service and optional functions).

The N option does not apply to fault-tolerant agents.

RESTARTABLE (default: take the installation default)
This option determines what the status of the operation will be if its workstation becomes inactive (failed or offline). This option applies to the operation only while it has status S (started). This option does not apply to fault-tolerant workstations.
The operation is reset to status R (ready) if its workstation becomes inactive. That is, the operation is restarted from the beginning on the alternate workstation, or on this workstation when it becomes active again. The operation is reset to ready status only when:
  1. You specify this in the MCP panel when you manually set the workstation failed or offline.


  2. You specify this in the WSSTAT or EQQUSIN subroutine when you set the workstation failed or offline.

    and, if not otherwise specified in the panel, command, or subroutine,

  3. The first parameter of the installation default on the WSFAILURE or WSOFFLINE keyword on the JTOPTS initialization statement allows operations to be restarted.
This operation will not be restarted even if the installation default, as specified in the WSFAILURE or WSOFFLINE parameter on the JTOPTS initialization statement, is to restart started operations on workstations that become inactive.

If the installation default is to put started operations into error status on workstations that become inactive, the operation is given status code E (ended-in-error).

The operation takes the installation default action on the OPRESTARTDEFAULT keyword of the JTOPTS statement if the workstation that it is started on becomes inactive.
REROUTABLE (default: take the installation default)
This option specifies what action IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS should take for this particular operation if the computer workstation that it is scheduled to run on is inactive and an alternate workstation has been specified. This option applies to the operation only when it is in status R (ready) or W (waiting). Once the operation is in status S (started), the RESTARTABLE option determines the action. This option does not apply to fault-tolerant workstations.
The operation is eligible to be rerouted if the workstation becomes inactive, and:
  1. You specify this in the MCP panel when you manually set the workstation failed or offline.


  2. You specify this in the WSSTAT or EQQUSIN subroutine when you set the workstation failed or offline.

    and, if not otherwise specified in the panel, command, or subroutine,

  3. The second parameter of the installation default on the WSFAILURE or WSOFFLINE keyword on the JTOPTS initialization statement allows operations to be rerouted.
The operation is not rerouted, even when the workstation has an alternate destination. For more information about directing work to alternate workstations, see Redirecting work to alternate workstations.
The operation takes the installation default action on the OPREROUTEDEFAULT keyword of the JTOPTS statement if the workstation becomes inactive.