IBM Content Manager, Version             

Working with the logging configuration file

When you encounter a problem, the API log file, dklog.log, can provide more information to help you investigate the problem.

Setting the trace level in the API log to DEBUG trace setting can greatly increase the speed with which you resolve the problem. The dklog.log file is generated any time IBM® Content Manager is used. Almost every IBM Content Manager application uses the APIs, such as the system administration client.

Requirement: Be sure that you are logged in with, or change to, a user ID that has permission to change the file.

The file contains the following default settings:

You can find the location of the file by viewing the console information for the application. If the properties file is found on the machine where the application is installed and the ICMFORCECONSOLELOG environment variable is set to true or TRUE, then the path of the properties file is added to the console log after the application starts. If the properties file is not found, then a message stating that the file is not found is added to the console log. A similar message is also added for the file. The path information for the file varies depending upon whether the application is a Java™ or C++ application. For a Java application, the console displays only that the file is found because it does not resolve the part of the path contained in the CLASSPATH environment variable. For a C++ application, the entire path is displayed.

Performance tips

Modifying the API trace level

To modify the API trace level, you need to edit the file.

Tip: You might need to modify only the log priority settings and retain the default settings for the log file output type, name, and location. This need depends upon your installation configuration.
  1. Open the file that is located in IBMCMROOT in a text editor.
    Tip: Make a backup of the file before you modify it.
  2. In section 0 (global settings), specify a maximum exception count. The default value is 5.
  3. In section 1 (log manager factory setting), choose between using the default log manager or log4j.
  4. In section 2.1 (specify log priority), choose a log priority. Priorities range from DISABLE to DEBUG. The log priority parameter is defined at the end of the section in a key-value pair. If you are using the default logger, the default log priority setting is DKLogPriority=ERROR. If you are using the log4j logging framework, the default log priority setting is DKAPIJavaLogLevel=ERROR. The priorities are:
    Disables logging.
    Provides information that the program encountered unrecoverable errors and must cease operating immediately. Stopping the program is done separately, not from the logging facility.
    Provides information that the program encountered recoverable or unrecoverable errors, but is able to continue operating.
    Used to collect output information for measuring performance.
    Provides significant event messages, such as successful logon.
    Used for logging before and after a native call. This setting provides parameters and return data information.
    Used for signaling entries and exits of program modules (or code blocks).
    Used to output additional diagnostic information, such as program state changes, function parameter information, and function return value information.
    Used to output information for debugging errors.
  5. In section 2.2 (log output destination setting), specify where to log information. The log output destination parameter is defined in a key-value pair. You can choose from three options for DKLogOutputSetting:
    Log to a file.
    Log to Standard Error.
    Log to Standard Console.

    The default setting is DKLogOutputSetting=1.

  6. If you chose to log to a file (DKLogOutputSetting=1), you must also specify the log file name and log file size settings in section 2.3. Section 2.3 contains two key-value pairs, which define the log file name and output size (in megabytes).
    • The default file name is DKLogOutputFileName=dklog.log.
    • The default output size is DKLogOutputFileSize=5.
Attention: The log manager continues to append log output into the existing log file. Monitor the size of the file and periodically delete unwanted log output from the log file to prevent the file from becoming too large.

Last updated: June 2015

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