Reference Data

Use the Reference Data component to manage SWIFT reference data as described in Managing reference data. To display the Reference Data component, select Reference Data from the navigation pane.
Figure 1. Reference Data administration
Graphic displaying the Reference Data component
Toolbar buttons that you can use to work with reference data records.
Filter buttons and a filter field to restrict the records that are displayed in the list of reference data records.
List of reference data records (in this case bank data). For a new record or a record with pending changes, the new or changed information is displayed greyed out.
A field that indicates the number of displayed records, the total number that meet the current filter criteria, and the total number viewable by the user. In addition, the number of the first displayed record is shown. This number can be changed to navigate to another record.
Buttons to navigate through the pages of the list of reference data records.
The number of displayed records can be changed between 20, 50 and 100.
Use the toolbar buttons to manage reference data:
Icon Name Description
document symbol with yellow star New Depending on the selected reference data list, create a new:
  • Bank data record
  • Country data record
  • Currency data record
pencil Edit Edit the selected reference data record.
red x Delete Delete a reference data record.
delta symbol with check mark Approve Approve or reject modifications of reference data.
delta symbol with x Reject
curved yellow arrow pointing back Undo Undo rejected modifications of reference data.
The reference data lists use icons to give more information about the record displayed. Table 1 shows the symbols when the user can perform the follow-on action, e.g. approve or reject the pending change. If the user cannot perform the action the corresponding symbol is greyed out.
Table 1. Reference data list symbols
Icon Description
delta symbol The reference data record has pending changes and needs approval.
delta symbol with curved yellow arrow pointing back The pending changes of the reference data record have been rejected.
delta symbol with adjunct white minus in red circle The pending deletion of the reference data record needs approval.
delta symbol with adjunct white minus in red circle and curved yellow arrow pointing back The pending deletion of the reference data record has been rejected.
yellow triangle with exclamation mark The Reference Data Utility (RDU) was used to import reference data after this record was changed or deleted.