Event Table view

You can use the Event Table view to display all the assets, that are contained in all of the event projects, currently available in the Event Explorer view. The Event Table view can be used to maintain assets and to check if the assets are deployable.

To open the Event Table view in Event Designer, you must first open the Event perspective.

Click Window > Open Perspective > Other > Event.

The Event Table tab is displayed in the lower section of the Event Designer workspace. Click the Event Table tab to open the view.

In the Event Table view, all available event projects and the assets they contain are listed. The details of each asset in each event project is displayed on a separate line. Each line details the event project name that contains the asset, the asset name, the asset type, whether the asset is valid and can be deployed, and when the asset was last updated.

You can double-click each line, to open the asset in its editor.

The following screen capture shows an example of the projects and assets displayed in an Event Table.

An example of the Event Table view

In the Event Table all the assets are valid, and can therefore be deployed, apart from an action object called field1.

You can sort the table entries, in each column, by clicking the column label. The column values are sorted in relation to the other values displayed in the column. However, when two entries have identical values in the selected sort column, the existing order remains the same. You can find a specific asset quickly, by sorting the Asset column.

If you want to copy and paste an asset, right-click the asset and click Copy. Navigate to the event project where you want to copy the asset and click Paste. You can also copy an asset to the same event project but you are prompted to enter a new name for the asset that you are copying. Each asset must have a unique name.

The following screen capture shows the Event Table view pop-up menu. You can open the menu by right-clicking in the Event Table view.

The Event Table view pop-up menu

You can remove an asset from an event project, by right-clicking the asset in the view and clicking Delete.