Using the console

IBM is a new open architecture lakehouse that combines the elements of the data warehouse and data lakes. The best-in-class features and optimizations available on makes it an optimal choice for next generation data analytics and automation.

You can use to collect, store, query, and analyze all your enterprise data with a single unified data platform. is a unique solution that allows co-existence of open source technologies and proprietary products. It offers a single platform where you can store the data or attach data sources for managing and analyzing your enterprise data.

Use to store any type of data (structured, semi-structured, and unstructured) and make that data accessible directly for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Business Intelligence (BI). You can also attach your data sources, which helps to reduce data duplication and cost of storing data in multiple places. It uses open data formats with APIs and machine learning libraries, making it easier for data scientists and data engineers to use the data. architecture enforces schema and data integrity, making it easier to implement robust data security and governance mechanisms.

With the use of Presto (Java), you do not need to manage multiple query languages and interfaces to different databases and storage. Presto (Java) is designed for storage abstraction, which allows connections to any data source through its connectors.

The Hive Metastore acts as a bridge between the schema of the table and the data files that are stored in object storage. HMS holds the definitions, schema, and other metadata for each table and maps the data files and directories to the table representation that is the user views. uses the Remote Metastore mode of HMS. The metastore runs on its own separate JVM and is accessible by using thrift network APIs.

Using the console, you can configure different components, create schemas and tables, browse the schemas and tables, ingest data, run SQL queries against the data, manage user access, and more.