Uninstalling Cognos Analytics

A project administrator can uninstall Cognos Analytics from IBM® Cloud Pak for Data.

Permissions you need for this task
You must be an administrator of the OpenShift® project (Kubernetes namespace) where Cognos Analytics is installed.


Complete the following tasks to uninstall Cognos Analytics:

  1. Uninstalling the service
  2. Uninstalling the operator
    Note: Complete this step only if you want to completely remove the Cognos Analytics software from your cluster.

Uninstalling the service

When you need to complete this task
Complete this task when you want to remove a running instance of Cognos Analytics.

Uninstalling Cognos Analytics will remove all of the data that is associated with this instance of Cognos Analytics.

To uninstall the service:

  1. From the web client, remove any provisioned instances of Cognos Analytics:
    1. Log in to the IBM Cloud Pak for Data web client as an administrator.
    2. From the menu, select Services > Instances.
    3. Filter the list to show only cognos-analytics-app instances.
    4. Delete each cognos-analytics-app instance.
  2. Log in to Red Hat® OpenShift Container Platform as a user with sufficient permissions to complete the task:
    oc login OpenShift_URL:port
  3. Change to the project where Cognos Analytics is installed:
    oc project project-name
  4. Get the name of the custom resource:
    oc get CAService -n project-name
  5. Delete the CAService custom resource:
    oc delete CAService custom-resource-name -n project-name
  6. Run the following command to verify that the resources that were created by Cognos Analytics are deleted:
    oc get all -l "app.kubernetes.io/name in (cognos-analytics)"

    If Cognos Analytics was uninstalled successfully, the response should be empty.

Uninstalling the operator

When you need to complete this task
Complete this task only if you want to completely remove Cognos Analytics from your cluster.

Complete this task after you uninstall the service.

Before you begin
Ensure the IBM Cloud Pak® CLI (cloudctl) is installed on your local machine. If the IBM Cloud Pak CLI is not installed:
  1. Download the cloudctl software from the IBM/cloud-pak-cli repository on GitHub. Ensure that you download the appropriate package for your workstation:
  2. Extract the contents of the archive file:
    tar -xzf archive-name
  3. Change to the directory where you extracted the file and make the file executable:
    chmod 775 cloudctl-architecture
  4. Move the file to the /usr/local/bin directory:
    mv cloudctl-architecture /usr/local/bin/cloudctl
  5. Confirm that the IBM Cloud Pak CLI (cloudctl) is installed:
    cloudctl --help
Tip: Additional guidance for validating the archive file is available in the IBM/cloud-pak-cli repository.

To uninstall the operator:

  1. Specify the directory where you want to download the CASE package for Cognos Analytics. For example, you could download the file to $HOME/offline:
    export OFFLINEDIR=$HOME/offline
  2. Download the CASE package for Cognos Analytics:
    cloudctl case save \
      --repo https://github.com/IBM/cloud-pak/raw/master/repo/case \
      --case ibm-cognos-analytics-prod \
      --version 4.0.10 \
      --outputdir ${OFFLINEDIR}
  3. Change to the directory where you downloaded the CASE package.
  4. Log in to Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform as a user with sufficient permissions to complete the task:
    oc login OpenShift_URL:port
  5. Run the following command to see a preview of the items that will be removed when you uninstall the operator:
    The operators are in the ibm-common-services project (express installations)
    cloudctl case launch \
      --case ibm-cognos-analytics-prod-4.0.10.tgz \
      --inventory ibmCaOperatorSetup \
      --namespace ibm-common-services \
      --action uninstall-operator \
      --args "--dryRun"

    The operators are in the cpd-operators project (specialized installations)
    cloudctl case launch \
      --case ibm-cognos-analytics-prod-4.0.10.tgz \
      --inventory ibmCaOperatorSetup \
      --namespace cpd-operators \
      --action uninstall-operator \
      --args "--dryRun"

  6. Uninstall the operator. You can either:
    • Rerun the previous command without the --args "--dryRun" entry.
    • Run the oc commands that were specified in the dry run output.