Content Manager OnDemand cabinets

Cabinets are an optional feature that enable users to navigate to folders more easily.

If users have many folders, they might find it helpful to group their folders into cabinets.

Cabinets follow these rules:

Figure 1 demonstrates how cabinets can be used to organize the folders that a user needs for generating different types of reports. In this example, the user needs to collect information on fund performance, fund balance, and fund transactions for a monthly report. The Monthly Report cabinet contains folders for each type of information that the user needs to collect. The user also needs to generate investment performance reports for clients. Investment performance reports include information on stock performance, bond performance, and fund performance. The Client Report cabinet contains folders for stocks, bonds, and funds. Both cabinets contain the folder for fund performance because the user needs information on fund performance to generate both reports.

Figure: Cabinets are used to organize folders

Diagram of cabinets, which can be used to organize folders