Convert COBOL source to IBM COBOL format

You may have COBOL programs that were compiled with a non-IBM compiler and that use code that is unsupported by the AIX® COBOL compiler. If this is the case, the Convert to IBM® COBOL tool will help you convert some of the known formatting and language differences.


  1. In the Remote Systems view, select the files to convert. If you want to select multiple files, press the CTRL key while you select the files. Selecting a folder will include all COBOL files in the folder.
  2. Right-click the files that you selected and click Convert to IBM Cobol Format.
    Click Convert to IBM Cobol Format
  3. Select the version of the Source Conversion Utility (SCU) that you would like to use to do the conversion. SCU is shipped with the AIX COBOL compiler, and some major enhancements to SCU were added in version of the compiler. If the version of the compiler you have installed is prior to you will only be able to use the older SCU. After you make your selection, click Next.
    Select SCU version
  4. Set the file name format for output files. In the list of files to be converted, a variable will be used in Target File Name to name each output file depending on the input file. By default, it is set to ${basefilename}.scu.cbl. In this case, for each file <filename>.cbl to be converted, the output file will be named <filename>.scu.cbl. If you want to use a different naming format, enter the format in Target File Name. Click Next.
    Choose target file name format
  5. Select the conversion options that you want to use. The conversion options vary depending on the Source Conversion Utility (SCU) version that you selected. The first image shows the options available in the new SCU. The second image shows the options in the older SCU. After you have selected the options, if you are using the new SCU, click Next. If you are using the old SCU, click Finish to convert the files.
    Select options for new SCU version

    Select options for old SCU version

  6. Add copybook locations if you are using the new SCU. The new SCU needs to be able to parse the COBOL source to do more advanced conversions, so it must be able to find the copybooks that are copied in. If you are using the new SCU, add the locations where copybooks included in the original source are located. Note that copybook locations set in Window > Preferences > COBOL > AIX > Default Copybook Location will be preloaded. After adding the locations, click Finish to convert your files.
    Copybook lovcations
