Completing the configuration - IBM Z® OMEGAMON® AI for z/OS®

After you configure IBM Z® OMEGAMON® AI for z/OS® using your preferred configuration tool (either PARMGEN or Configuration Manager), you must complete several post-configuration steps. The post-configuration steps that you must complete are a combination of required steps and optional steps that depend on your particular configuration and monitoring objectives.

Table 1. Post-configuration steps
Step Context
Updating the IEFSSNxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB Required for agent-specific security configuration
Updating the LINKLIST Required for agent-specific security configuration
Adding support for the SYSTCPD DDNAME in the started tasks Required for all configurations
Copying started task procedures to your procedure library Required for all configurations
Copying the VTAM definitions to your system VTAMLST Required for all configurations
Varying the VTAM major node active Required for all configurations
Granting APF authorization for the runtime load libraries Required for all configurations
Enabling historical data store maintenance Required to enable historical data collection
Providing access to the persistent data store files Required to enable historical data collection
Authorizing the KPDDSCO module Required to enable historical data collection
Verifying persistent data store configuration Required to enable historical data collection
Add EXIT statements to PARMLIB member for ICSF configuration Required to collect ICSF data
Make KM5EXIT3, KM5EXIT4, and KM5CSFSX modules available to ICSF Required to collect ICSF data
Modifying the ICSF subsystem JCL Required to collect ICSF data
Activate the changes to ICSF Required to collect ICSF data
Authorizing address spaces for UNIX System Services Required to collect UNIX System Services information
Enabling RMF data collection Required to use RMF data collection for real-time or near-term history data collection
Defining RACF IDs for IBM® Z OMEGAMON® Monitor for z/OS® 5.6 and OMEGAMON Subsystem address spaces Required to use RMF data collection for real-time or near-term history data collection
Enabling the RACF secured signon function (PassTicket) Required to use RMF data collection for real-time or near-term history data collection
Turning on RMF collection of coupling facility and lock data. Required to use RMF data collection for real-time or near-term history data collection
Enabling AT-TLS Secure Connectivity to the RMF Distributed Data Server (DDS) Required to use RMF data collection for real-time or near-term history data collection
Configuring historical data collection Required for historical data collection
Enabling the System Programmer's Toolkit Required to use the System Programmer's Toolkit
Enabling Warehouse agents on a z/OS hub monitoring server Required to warehouse historical data in the Tivoli Data Warehouse but the hub monitoring server is not located on the same computer as the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
Creating situations to filter DASD device collection Required to enable monitoring of Sysplex DASD device data
Setting the PROJECTCPU control in the SYS1.PARMLIB IEAOPTxx member Required to use IBM® Z OMEGAMON® Monitor for z/OS® 5.6 to help you plan special processor resources
Installing application and language support Required for all configurations
Enabling security for Tivoli Enterprise Portal Required for all configurations
Authorizing users to issue Take Action commands Required to issue Take Action commands from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal and OMEGAMON Enhanced 3270 user interface user interfaces
Recreating or replacing z/OS Management Console situations If you previously ran z/OS Management Console situations, you can start corresponding situations for IBM® Z OMEGAMON® Monitor for z/OS® 5.6 or recreate comparable situations using IBM® Z OMEGAMON® Monitor for z/OS® 5.6 attributes
Authorizing users to access IBM® Z OMEGAMON® Monitor for z/OS® 5.6 managed systems on the enhanced 3270 user interface Required for all configurations
Enabling z/OS Container Extensions (zCX) monitoring Required for zCX monitoring