Running HTTP Gateway Processes as a Non-Root User

You can run HTTP Gateway as a non-root user.

About this task

Important: The changes in this procedure does not persist on upgrade. You need to perform the same operations after each upgrade of HTTP Gateway.


  1. As the root user, stop the aspera_httpgateway service:
     service aspera_httpgateway stop
    For a systemd OS, run:
     systemctl stop aspera_httpgateway
  2. Create a system user, such as httpgateway, that you want to run the aspera_httpgateway and ascp processes.
  3. Create a system group, such as httpgateway, and add the user to it.
  4. Change the HTTP Gateway config folder permissions:
    Using the httpgateway group as an example:
    $ chown root:httpgateway /opt/aspera/httpgateway/config
    $ chmod 775 /opt/aspera/httpgateway/config
  5. If it exists, remove the file:


  6. Change the permissions of the directory defined in transferconfig.source_file_list_tmpdir (default is /tmp/SendFileListDir) in the file:
    Using the httpgateway group and the default directory as an example:
    $ chown root:httpgateway /tmp/SendFileListDir
    $ chmod 775 /tmp/SendFileListDir
  7. Change the permissions of the log directory defined in ascpconfig.log_dir (default is /opt/aspera/httpgateway/aspera/log) in the file:
    Using the httpgateway group and the default log directory as an example:
    $ chown root:httpgateway /opt/aspera/httpgateway/aspera/log
    $ chmod 775 /opt/aspera/httpgateway/aspera/log
  8. Edit the /etc/systemd/system/ file:
    Find the line:
    ExecStart=/bin/bash -ce "/opt/aspera/httpgateway/aspera-httpgateway start > /opt/aspera/httpgateway/httpgateway.log 2>&1"
    Replace the line with:
    ExecStart=/bin/bash -ce "sudo -u httpgateway /opt/aspera/httpgateway/aspera-httpgateway start > /opt/aspera/httpgateway/httpgateway.log 2>&1"
  9. Start the aspera_httpgateway service:
     service aspera_httpgateway start
    For a systemd OS, run:
     systemctl start aspera_httpgateway