Recording a WebSocket test

If your application is based on the WebSocket protocol, you can check the performance of the application by creating a recording of the application and playing it back.

About this task

WebSocket is not a separate test extension in the product. To test a WebSocket application, you have to record the HTTP test. After the recording completes, you must not delete or change the content of the requests, response, and connection objects in the test script.

To record the HTTP test, see Recording an HTTP test. The requests and responses contain text or binary data. You can do data correlation on the text data.

Starting from, the WebSocket test generation automatically does data correlation. See Correlating request and response data.

Starting from, you can specify error handling behavior for WebSocket tests. See Specifying error handling behavior.

Starting from 9.2, you can add verification points to the requests and responses just as you would do to HTTP tests. See Verifying expected behavior.

After the test run completes, view the test results by selecting the HTTP WebSocket Report. The report displays the number of requests attempted, succeeded, and the rate of success.
