Completing the configuration - OMEGAMON AI for JVM

After you configure OMEGAMON® AI for JVM using Configuration Manager or PARMGEN, you must complete several post-configuration steps. The post-configuration steps that you must complete are a combination of required steps and optional steps that depend on your particular configuration and monitoring objectives.

Table 1. Post-configuration steps
Step Context
Configuring a JVM for monitoring with the OMEGAMON for JVM Agents Required for all configurations
config_jvmti.html#config_jvmti Required to configure with the IBM Z OMEGAMON AI JVM Tooling Interface (JVMTI) agent
Configuring JVMs in CICS Required to monitor a Java virtual machine (JVM) that runs in a CICS subsystem
Configuring JVMs in a CICS Transaction Gateway subsystem Required to monitor a Java virtual machine (JVM) that runs in a CICS Transaction Gateway subsystem
Configuring JVMs in an IBM Db2 stored procedure Required to monitor a JVM that runs in an IBM Db2 stored procedure
Configuring JVMs in IBM Operational Decision Manager Required to monitor a JVM that runs in IBM Operational Decision Manager (IBM ODM)
Configuring JVMs in an IMS batch or message processing region Required to monitor a Java virtual machine (JVM) that runs in an IMS Java Batch Processing (JBP) region or Java Message Processing (JMP)
Configuring JVMs in WebSphere Application Server Required to monitor a JVM that runs in WebSphere Application Server
Configuring JVMs in WebSphere Liberty Required to monitor a Java virtual machine (JVM) that runs in WebSphere Liberty
Configuring JVMs in z/OSMF Required to monitor a Java virtual machine (JVM) that runs in z/OSMF
Configuring z/OS Connect for API monitoring Required for all configurations
Configuring JVMs that use the JZOS Batch Launcher Required to monitor a Java virtual machine (JVM) that uses the JZOS Batch Launcher
Specifying a non-default collector ID Required when you don't use the default KJJ_COLLECTOR_ID=KJJ1 collector ID
Refreshing jar files after SMP/E maintenance Required for all configurations
Enabling IBMJT JTCOLL collector trace options Required to enable debugging in the IBMJT JTCOLL collector started task
Publishing OMEGAMON AI for JVM data to analytic platforms for AI Ops (including OMEGAMON Data Provider) Required to publish data to OMEGAMON Data Provider