Completing the configuration - IBM Z OMEGAMON for JVM

After you configure IBM® OMEGAMON® for JVM using your preferred configuration tool (either PARMGEN or Configuration Manager), you must complete several post-configuration steps. The post-configuration steps that you must complete are a combination of required steps and optional steps that depend on your particular configuration and monitoring objectives.

Table 1. Post-configuration steps
Step Context
Java options required for all JVMs Required for all configurations
Option 1: (Recommended) Configuring a JVM with the OMEGAMON for JVM Agents without the Health Center Required to configure without the Java Health Center (recommended)
Option 2: Configuring a JVM with the OMEGAMON for JVM Agent and the Java Health Center Required to configure with the Java Health Center
Configuring JVMs in CICS Required to monitor a Java virtual machine (JVM) that runs in a CICS subsystem
Configuring JVMs in a CICS Transaction Gateway subsystem Required to monitor a Java virtual machine (JVM) that runs in a CICS Transaction Gateway subsystem
Configuring JVMs in an IBM DB2 stored procedure Required to monitor a JVM that runs in an IBM DB2 stored procedure
Configuring JVMs in IBM Operational Decision Manager Required to monitor a JVM that runs in IBM Operational Decision Manager (IBM ODM)
Configuring JVMs in an IMS batch or message processing region Required to monitor a Java virtual machine (JVM) that runs in an IMS Java Batch Processing (JBP) region or Java Message Processing (JMP)
Configuring JVMs in WebSphere Application Server Required to monitor a JVM that runs in WebSphere Application Server
Configuring JVMs in WebSphere Liberty Required to monitor a Java virtual machine (JVM) that runs in WebSphere Liberty
Configuring JVMs in z/OSMF Required to monitor a Java virtual machine (JVM) that runs in z/OSMF
Configuring z/OS Connect for API monitoring Required for all configurations
Configuring JVMs that use the JZOS Batch Launcher Required to monitor a Java virtual machine (JVM) that uses the JZOS Batch Launcher
Specifying a non-default collector ID Required when you don't use the default KJJ_COLLECTOR_ID=KJJ1 collector ID
Refreshing jar files after SMP/E maintenance Required for all configurations
Enabling IBMJT JTCOLL collector trace options Required to enable debugging in the IBMJT JTCOLL collector started task
Configuring the IBM Z OMEGAMON for JVM Garbage Collection Agent Required to us the Garbage Collection Agent
Publishing IBM Z OMEGAMON for JVM data to analytic platforms for AI Ops (including OM Data Provider) Required to publish data to OMEGAMON Data Provider