What is Audio Conversion?

The Audio Conversion Wizard allows you to convert 8kHz 16-bit PCM_SIGNED audio format to 8kHz 8-bit u-law audio format and 8kHz 8-bit audio format to 8kHz 16-bit PCM_SIGNED wave audio format. It allows you to convert multiple files simultaneously and to select the file extension for your converted files.

The converted files are created and stored in a Converted Files folder in the same project as the source file.

You can start the wizard from either the pop-up menu of an audio file in the Navigator view, or from the Run menu.

To convert an audio file, do the following:
  1. Start the wizard by doing one of the following:
    • Click Run > Audio Conversion.
    • Right-click an audio file in the Navigator view and select Audio Conversion.
  2. In the Welcome window, click Next to continue.
  3. Select the files you want to convert from the list of files shown.
    • Files with the .au extension can be either 8Khz 16-bit PCM or 8Khz 8-bit mu-law headered files.
    • Files with the .ulw or .vox extension are expected to be 8Khz 8-bit mu-law headerless files.
    • Files with the .wav extension are expected to be 8Khz 16-bit PCM.
    Note: Filter the files to choose from by file type. For example, you can filter by the following supported file types: .wav, .au, .vox, and .ulw
  4. Select Next.
  5. In the Select Conversion Method window, select the method of conversion, to u-law or to wave, and click Next. If necessary, click Back to go back and review your file choices.
    • If convert to u-law is selected, the output is 8kHz 8-bit mu-law files.
    • If convert to wave is selected, the output is 8kHz 16-bit PCM files.
  6. In the Select File Extension window, select the file extension for the converted file and click Next.
    • If convert to u-law is selected, .vox and .ulw files are headerless and .au files are headered.
    • If convert to wav is selected, .wav files are headered.
  7. In the Summary of Files window, click Next to convert your selected files.
  8. The Conversion Complete window displays a summary of the conversion results. Click Finish to exit
Note: If you selected an audio file that is not in the expected format, 8kHz, 16-bit PCM_SIGNED or 8kHz 8-bit headerless audio format, conversion does not occur and an error message is displayed.