Message flow timeout exceeded event message

Details the event message that is published when the processingTimeoutSec timeout period is exceeded.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that the publication of events is enabled, and the pub/sub broker is correctly configured. The default configuration enables publication of events using the built-in MQTT pub/sub broker. If WebSphere® MQ is installed, and there is a WebSphere MQ queue manager specified on the integration node, then the MQ pub/sub broker is used for the publication of events. For more information, see Configuring the publication of event messages and Configuring the built-in MQTT pub/sub broker.

About this task

When the processingTimeoutSec timeout period is exceeded for the message flow, a timeout exceeded XML message is published.

You can view the message by subscribing to the following topic:

  • For publications on an MQ pub/sub broker:
  • For publications on an MQTT pub/sub broker:

where integrationNodeName is the name of the integration node, integrationServerName is the name of the integration server on that integration node, application_name is the name of the application on that integration server, library_name is the name of the library on that application, and messageFlowLabel is the name of the message flow that is deployed to the library.

In the situation where the message flow is not contained in either an application or a library, the application_name or library_name parameters must be omitted along with their enclosing forward slash (/). For example:

  • If the message flow is not contained in an application and a library:
  • If the message flow is contained in an application and not in a library: