Configuring your system for asynchronous job notifications

To allow HTTP client applications on your z/OS system to receive asynchronous job notifications, your system must be configured as described in this topic.

The z/OS® jobs REST interface provides a set of REST services that allow a client application to perform operations with batch jobs on a z/OS system. Through the z/OS jobs REST interface services, an application can:
  • Obtain the status of a job
  • List the jobs for an owner, prefix, or job ID
  • List the spool files for a job
  • Retrieve the contents of a job spool file
  • Submit a job to run on z/OS
  • Cancel a job
  • Change the job class
  • Delete a job (cancel a job and purge its output).

The z/OS jobs REST interface services can be invoked by any HTTP client application, running on the z/OS local system or a remote system, either z/OS or non-z/OS. The z/OS jobs REST interface services are described in the document IBM z/OS Management Facility Programming Guide.

You can use the asynchronous job notifications function of z/OSMF to allow your programs to be notified when submitted jobs complete. With this function, the program that submits the job through the z/OS jobs REST interface services PUT method specifies a URL when submitting the job. When the job ends, z/OSMF returns an HTTP message to the URL location, indicating the job completion status. The data returned is in the form of a JSON document.

The asynchronous job notifications function is available for the JES2 subsystem only; it is not available for the JES3 subsystem.

The key requirement is that you must create a subscription to the Common Information Model (CIM) jobs indication provider for your system. Also, if the job notifications will require a secure network connection, you must enable an SSL connection between the client application and the server, including the sharing of digital certificates.

For extensive information on CIM indications and their use in a z/OS system (a CIM managed system), see z/OS Common Information Model User's Guide.