Punch panel (PUN)

The Punch panel allows you to display information about JES punches and jobs being punched.

Command keyword

Access the Punch panel with the PUN command from any SDSF panel.

Customize the display with parameters

The parameters shown in Table 1 allow you to customize the PUN display.
The parameter usage is as follows:
PUN punch-list

PUN with no parameters displays information about all punches.

Consider the following examples:
  • PUN 1 2 RMT - Displays information about local punches 1 and 2, and all remote punches for all remote locations.
  • PUN R20-30 - Displays information about punches at remote locations 20 through 30.
Table 1. PUN Parameters
Parameter Description
punch-list punch-list is up to four of the following, in any combination:
  • number - A local punch ID (1 to 32767).
  • number-range - A range of local punch IDs (1 to 32767).
  • Rnumber - R followed by a remote location (1 to 32767).
  • Rnumber-range - R followed by a range of remote locations (1 to 32767).
  • LCL - All local punches.
  • RMT - All remote punches.
Parameters with "number" are valid for JES2 only.

PUN command action characters

The action characters for the PUN command are shown in Table 2.
Table 2. PUN Command Action Characters
Action Character Description
// Block repeat; type // on the first row and another // on the last row to be processed.
= Repeat previous action character or overtype.
+(n) Expand the NP column; n is 4-20. (Use RESET to reset.)
%(exec) Run a REXX exec. (ISPF only)
/ Show column values for row. (ISPF only)
B Backspace. Optional (JES2) or required (JES3) parameters include:
  • number of pages (JES2 only).
  • C - Most recent checkpoint.
  • C,number - Before the most recent checkpoint. (pages for JES2; lines for JES3)
  • D - Top of the current data set.
  • N - Internal checkpoint (JES3 only).
  • Nnumber - Lines before the internal checkpoint (JES3 only).
  • NnumberP - Pages before the internal checkpoint (JES3 only).
C Purge output being processed by a punch.
CG Cancel only the output destined for this device for the current job (JES3 only).
CJ Cancel all of the output for the current job (JES3 only).
CT Stop the punch automatically once the current activity is canceled (JES3 only).
D Display information. You can add:
  • L - Display information, long form.
E Restart a punch. You can add one or more of these parameters (JES3 only):
  • A - Automatic mode. Not valid with M.
  • D - Turn on diagnostic mode. Not valid with X.
  • H - Hold the current data set.
  • J - Requeue all completed data sets for the current job.
  • M - Manual mode. Not valid with A.
  • R - Request that it perform a scheduling pass.
  • T - End it automatically once the current job is rescheduled.
  • X - Turn off diagnostic mode. Not valid with D.
F Forward space. Optional (JES2) or required (JES3) parameters:
  • number - Number of pages (JES2 only).
  • C - Most recent checkpoint.
  • Cnumber - From the most recent checkpoint (pages for JES2, lines for JES3). Add P for pages for JES3.
  • N - last internally-noted checkpoint (JES3 only).
  • Nnumber - Lines from the internal checkpoint (JES3 only).
  • NnumberP - Pages from the internal checkpoint (JES3 only).
I Interrupt the punch (JES2 only).
L Fail the punch DSP (JES3 only). You can add:
  • D - Fail the punch DSP with a dump (JES3 only).
N Punch another copy of the output (JES2 only).
P Stop (JES2 only).
S Start. You can add one or more of these parameters (JES3 only):
  • A - Automatic mode. Mutually exclusive with M.
  • D - Turn on diagnostic mode. Mutually exclusive with X.
  • M - Manual mode. Mutually exclusive with A.
  • T - End it when this request completes.
  • X - Turn off diagnostic mode. Mutually exclusive with D.
V Vary online (JES3 only).
VF Vary offline (JES3 only).
X Invoke a punch writer (JES3 only). You can add one or more of these parameters:
  • D - Turn on diagnostic mode. Mutually exclusive with X.
  • R - Suspend writer output until the device is available.
  • T - End it after the output is printed.
  • X - Turn off diagnostic mode. Mutually exclusive with D.

Columns on the PUN panel

The columns on the PUN panel are shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Columns on the PUN Panel
Column name Title (Displayed) Width Description
DEVNAME PUNCH 10 Device name. This is the fixed field. It is ignored on an FLD statement or ISFFLD macro.
STATUS Status 8 Punch status
GROUP Group 8 Device group name (JES3 only)
SFORMS SForms 8 Selection form number
SFORM2 SForm2 8 Selection form number 2 (JES2 only)
SFORM3 SForm3 8 Selection form number 3 (JES2 only)
SFORM4 SForm4 8 Selection form number 4 (JES2 only)
SFORM5 SForm5 8 Selection form number 5 (JES2 only)
SFORM6 SForm6 8 Selection form number 6 (JES2 only)
SFORM7 SForm7 8 Selection form number 7 (JES2 only)
SFORM8 SForm8 8 Selection form number 8 (JES2 only)
JNAME JobName 8 Active job name
JOBID JobID 8 Active job ID
JTYPE Type 5 Type of active address space
JNUM JNum1 6 Active job number
OWNERID Owner 8 User ID of owner
SCLASS SClass 15 Output selection classes
RECCNT Rec-Cnt 7 Number of line-mode records in the job
RECPRT Rec-Prt 7 Number of line-mode records printed
PAGECNT Page-Cnt 8 Output page count
PAGEPRT Page-Prt 8 Output pages printed
SEP Sep 3 Separator page between output groups (JES2 only)
SEPDS SepDS 5 Separator page between data sets
CCTL CCtl 4 Data carriage control stream
CMPCT Cmpct 4 Compaction for SNA remote punches
COMP Comp 4 Compression
COMPAC Compact 8 Compaction table name for SNA remote punches
FLUSH Fls 3 Blank card after each data set
SWTRID SWriter 8 Punch selection writer ID (JES2 only)
PRTWS Work-Selection 40 Punch work selection criteria
SPRMODE1 SPrMode1 8 Output selection process mode 1
SPRMODE2-4 SPrMode2-4 8 Output selection process modes 2-4
SDESTN1 SDest1 8 Punch selection destination name 1 (JES2 only)
SDESTN2-4 SDest2-4 8 Punch selection destination names 2-4 (JES2 only)
SJOBNAME SJobName 8 Selection job name (JES2 only)
SOWNER SOwner 8 Selection creator ID (JES2 only)
SVOL SVol 6 Selection volume (JES2 only)
SELECT Select 7 Send Output To (remote punches only)
CKPTLINE CkptLine 8 Number of lines per logical page (JES2 only)
CKPTPAGE CkptPage 8 Number of logical pages per checkpoint (JES2 only)
CKPTREC CkptRec 3 Number of records per checkpoint (JES3 only)
UNIT Unit 5 Punch unit name
LINELIM Line-Limit 21 Punch line limit (JES2 only)
SRANGE SRange 22 Selection job number range (JES2 only)
LRECL LRecL 5 Logical record length of transmitted data (SNA only)
PSETUP Setup 6 Setup option (JES2 only)
PAUSE Pau 3 Pause mode
SUSPEND Sus 3 Punch-interrupt feature option (BSC connection only, JES2 only)
PTRACE Tr 3 Punch tracing
SYSNAME SysName 8 System name
DSYSID SysID 5 JES2 member name (JES2 only)
JESNAME JESN 4 JES subsystem name
JESLEVEL JESLevel 8 z/OS® JES level
SECLABEL Seclabel 8 Security label of the job on the device
DEVSECLB DSecLabel 9 Security label of the device (JES2 only)
LINELIML Line-Lim-Lo 11 Punch line limit, minimum
LINELIMH Line-Lim-Hi 11 Punch line limit, maximum
SVOL2-4 Svol2-4 6 Selection volumes 2-4 (JES2 only)
OGNAME O-Grp-N 8 Output group name (JES2 only)
OGID1 OGid1 5 Output group ID 1 (JES2 only)
OGID2 OGid2 5 Output group ID 2 (JES2 only)
FORMS Forms 8 Output forms
PRMODE Prmode 8 Output process mode
WTRID Writer 8 Output writer name (JES2 only)
DESTN Dest 8/18 Output destination (JES2 only)
DPRIO DP 2 Output priority
JPRIO JP 2 Job priority
OCLASS C 1 Output class
DEVTYPE DevType 8 Device type (JES3 only)
DSPNAME DSPName 8 Dynamic support program name (JES3 only)
HFORMS HForms 6 Use designated forms until status is changed (JES3 only)
COPIES Copies 6 Copy count (JES3 only)
DYNAMIC Dyn 3 Start device dynamically (JES3 only)
DGRPY DGrpY 3 Device cannot process data sets that are destined for any local device (JES3 only)
BURSTPAGE B 3 Punch burst page at end of job (JES3 only)
Start of changeISFENDEnd of change Start of change.ENDEnd of change Start of change4End of change Start of changeEnd of list marker. All columns that appear after this column will be hidden. Ignored if specified on the ISFFLD macro in ISFPARMS. The title and width cannot be changed using the FLDENT statement or through the ARRANGE command.End of change
Notes on the table:
  1. This column is not included in the default field list.