SEND command operands

Specifies the message to be sent. You must enclose the text of the message within apostrophes (single quotation marks). The message cannot exceed 115 characters, including blanks. If no other operands are used, the message goes to the console operator. If you want apostrophes to be printed, you must enter two apostrophes to get one.
USER(user_id | *)
Specifies the user identification of one or more terminal users who are to receive the message. A maximum of 20 identifications can be used. The message is routed to the system within the sysplex to which the recipient is logged on.
Specifies the message is sent to the user ID associated with the issuer of the SEND command. If * is used with a SEND command in a CLIST, the message is sent to the user executing the CLIST. If it is used with the SEND command at a terminal, * causes the message to be sent to the same terminal.
OPERATOR(2 | route_code)
Specifies that you want the message sent to the operator indicated by the route_code. If you omit the route_code, the default is two; that is, the message goes to the operator. If both USER (identification) and OPERATOR are omitted, OPERATOR is the default. The integer corresponds to routing codes for the write-to-operator (WTO) macro.

If you send a message with a length of greater than 72 characters to OPERATOR or a console using the SEND command, the message is issued as two WTOs.

CN(console_name| INTERNAL)
Specifies the message is to be queued to the indicated operator console.
Is 2 to 8 alphanumeric characters, the first of which must be alphabetic or one of the special characters #, $, or @.
Note: Except for extended MCS consoles, console names are defined by your installation.
Specifies that the message is to be sent to any active console defined with INTIDS=Y. For additional information about defining consoles with INTIDS=Y, see z/OS MVS Planning: Operations.

If you send a message with a length of greater than 72 characters to OPERATOR or a console using the SEND command, the message is issued as two WTOs.

Specifies that you want the message to be sent immediately. If the recipient is not logged on or is not receiving messages, you are notified and the message is deleted. If your installation uses security labels and security checking and the recipient is logged on and is receiving messages, but does not have an appropriate security label to view the message, you are notified and the message is deleted. NOW is the default value.
Specifies that you want the message retained in the SYS1.BRODCAST data set or the user log data set, if the recipient is not logged on, is not receiving messages, or cannot receive messages because of SECLABEL checking. If the recipient is using the system and receiving messages, the message is sent immediately. If your installation uses security labels and security checking, and the recipient is logged on, is receiving messages, and has an appropriate security label to view the message, then the message is sent immediately. Otherwise, the message is saved, and the recipient must issue LISTBC or LOGON specifying MAIL to retrieve the message.

Using LOGON, a message can be saved for retrieval by a user on any system where the SYS1.BRODCAST data set or user log data set is properly shared.

Note: When processing messages by using the SYNC, LISTBC, and SEND commands, the SYS1.BRODCAST data set is not used for 8 character user IDs. Any messages that cannot be delivered to the user's screen because the user is not logged on or the keywords on the command are only stored if user logs are enabled by using IKJTSOxx.
Specifies the message text is to be stored in the mail section of SYS1.BRODCAST or the user log data set without being sent to any user. Messages that are stored in the broadcast data set or the user log data set can be retrieved by using either LISTBC or LOGON commands.

Using SAVE, a message can be saved for retrieval by a user on any system where the SYS1.BRODCAST data set or user log data set is properly shared.

Specifies that you do not want to wait if system output buffers are not immediately available for all specified logged-on terminals. You are notified of all specified users who did not receive the message. If you specified LOGON, mail is created in the SYS1.BRODCAST data set or the user log data set for the specified users whose terminals are busy or who have not logged on. NOWAIT is the default value.
Specifies that you want to wait until system output buffers are available for all specified logged on terminals. This ensures that the message is received by all specified logged on users, but it also means that you might be locked out until all such users have received the message.