Abstract for MVS Programming: Resource Recovery

This information supports z/OS® Version 2 (5650-ZOS) and contains information about Resource Recovery Services.

Purpose of this information:

This document describes RRS, the system-level resource recovery platform for z/OS. The document describes two major tasks:

  1. How to use RRS services in authorized resource managers, such as database programs, and communications managers that manage distributed transactional communications.
  2. How to manage RRS in an installation that runs resource managers that use RRS.

Who should read this information:

This document is for:

  1. Programmers who design and code resource managers. These programmers need to know how to work with MVS™ system interfaces and how to work with databases.
  2. System programmers responsible for managing MVS, including such tasks as starting and stopping system functions and troubleshooting. Database administrators might also be involved in managing RRS.

How to use this information:

If you are responsible for managing MVS or administering databases at your installation, you will find most of the information you need in Introducing resource recovery and RRS setup and control.

If you design and code a resource manager, Introducing resource recovery, which includes Planning a resource manager, provides concepts and a list of planning considerations for coding a resource manager that works with RRS. Detailed programming information appears in:
Note: If you are an application programmer interested in using RRMS services, you will also find information in z/OS MVS Programming: Callable Services for High-Level Languages.
If you want to code a program that checks information about RRS or manipulates RRS information directly, then two macros might be useful:

This document is one of the set of programming documents for MVS. This set describes how to write programs in assembler language or high-level languages, such as C, FORTRAN, and COBOL. For more information about the content of this set of documents, see z/OS Information Roadmap.

Note: If you call the services described in this document from assembler language programs, you must use a high-level assembler.

Where to find more information:

Where necessary, this document references information in other documents, using shortened versions of the document title. For complete titles and order numbers of the documents for all products that are part of z/OS, see z/OS Information Roadmap.

You might also need the following information:

Short Title Used in This Document Title Order Number
SNA Sync Point Services Architecture Systems Network Architecture Sync Point Services Architecture Reference SC31-8134

Information updates on the web:

For the latest information updates that have been provided in PTF cover letters and Documentation APARs for z/OS and z/OS.e, see the online document at z/OS Internet Library.

This document is updated weekly and lists documentation changes before they are incorporated into z/OS publications.