Using SMFLIMxx to control the REGION and MEMLIMIT

In today's systems, above the bar storage amounts are vastly larger than the amount of private storage in the first 2 GB of an address space. This reduces the effectiveness of instituting controls over how the private region storage is used. However, ensuring private storage availability for system-key functions remains a high priority for system programmers. Establishing a MEMLIMIT to limit the amount of 64-bit storage that a program can use is also a high priority. In addition, trying to maintain controls over these storage amounts with an assembler module (installation exit IEFUSI) causes intolerable overhead for many of today's clients.

The SMFLIMxx parmlib member addresses that problem by allowing the system programmer to set rules for storage usage in a member in parmlib. The SMFLIMxx parmlib member reduces or may even eliminate the need to update assembler code to establish or change limits on how much storage a user key job step program can use.

Note: This parmlib member is powerful and its effects can be far reaching. You must select values and filter keywords carefully and test them thoroughly before the member is put into production. The values in this parmlib member require as much thought, consideration, and testing as the CSA and SQA values in IEASYSxx.