Abstract for DFSMSdfp Utilities

Purpose of this information:

The purpose of this information is to provide guidance on using the z/OS™ DFSMS utility programs to manipulate system and user data and data sets. Most programs are discussed according to the following pattern:

  1. Introduction and description of the functions that can be performed by the program. This description typically includes an overview of the program's use, definitions of terms, and illustrations.
  2. Functions that are supported by the utility and the purpose of each function.
  3. Input and output that are used and produced by the program.
  4. Control of the program through job and utility control statements. Job control statements are described only insofar as their use in the utility program is peculiar to that program. Utility control statements are discussed fully.
  5. Examples of using the program, including the job and utility control statements.

Who should read this information:

System and application programmers.