Guidelines for changing dynamic CDT entries

If you change attributes for an existing class in the dynamic CDT, plan carefully to avoid unintended results. Before making changes to the following particular class attributes, follow these guidelines to help you consider the effect of your changes on existing applications and RACF® processing.

After you change an attribute for a class, refresh the CDT class on all systems that will use the changed class:
Guidelines for changing particular class attributes:
  1. CASE: Before you change CASE(ASIS) to CASE(UPPER), review all profiles in the class and delete any profiles that contain lowercase letters in the profile name.
  2. FIRST or OTHER: Before you change the FIRST and OTHER values to make them more restrictive, review all profiles in the class and delete those that contain the less restrictive characters. Example: Before you change FIRST(ALPHA,NUMERIC) to FIRST(ALPHA), delete any profiles that contain a number in the first character of the profile name.
  3. GENERIC: Before you change GENERIC(ALLOWED) to GENERIC(DISALLOWED), review Rules about disallowing generics when sharing a POSIT value and follow Steps for changing a dynamic class to disallow generic profiles.
  4. GENLIST: Before you change GENLIST(ALLOWED) to GENLIST(DISALLOWED), remove any in-storage generic profiles in the class by issuing the following command.
    Do not issue SETROPTS NOGENLIST for an existing class when it shares a POSIT value with other classes that are active. This action might impact authorization processing for the other classes.
  5. GROUP and MEMBER: Before you change the GROUP or MEMBER attributes for a class, delete any member classes by issuing the following command.
    RALTER grouping-classname profile-name DELMEM(member-list) 
    Then, be sure to update both the grouping class definition and the member class definition in compatible ways. For example, if you change a member class to a non-member class by changing GROUP(grouping-classname) to NOGROUP, then you must change the corresponding grouping class to a non-grouping class by changing MEMBER(member-classname) to NOMEMBER.
    After you change the GROUP or MEMBER attribute for your class and refresh the CDT class, refresh the in-storage profiles for your class. If you do not refresh the in-storage profiles, RACF authorization checking for resources in your class might return unpredictable results.
    • If your class is RACLISTed, refresh using the SETROPTS RACLIST command.
    • If your class is GENLISTed, refresh using the SETROPTS GENERIC command.
  6. MAXLENGTH and MAXLENX: Before you change the length of profile names, review the following guidelines.
    • Before you increase the length of profile names in a class, examine existing applications to see if modifications are necessary. When you increase the length attribute in a class, update only the MAXLENX operand to specify the new length, leaving the existing MAXLENGTH value. This might allow some applications using the RACROUTE macro with the ENTITY operand to work properly with the previous maximum length. These applications include those that use RACROUTE REQUEST=AUTH, REQUEST=FASTAUTH, and REQUEST=EXTRACT with TYPE (other than EXTRACTN). However, applications that use other RACF macros, such as ICHEINTY and RACROUTE REQUEST=EXTRACT,TYPE=EXTRACTN, might likely need modifications to process the new profile name length correctly. Modify applications that use the RACROUTE macro to include the ENTITYX operand to support the new maximum length.
    • Before you decrease the length of profile names in a class, examine existing applications that use the RACROUTE macro with ENTITY or ENTITYX option, or the ICHEINTY macro with the ENTRY or ENTRYX option, to see if modifications are necessary. Then, be sure to delete any profiles in that class that have names longer than the new MAXLENGTH or MAXLENX limits. If you do not delete the profiles with the longer names before you decrease the MAXLENGTH or MAXLENX values for the class, authorization checking for resources in the class might give unpredictable results.
    After you change the MAXLENGTH or MAXLENX attribute for your class and refresh the CDT class, refresh the in-storage profiles for your class. If you do not refresh the in-storage profiles, RACF authorization checking for resources in your class might return unpredictable results.
    • If your class is RACLISTed, refresh using the SETROPTS RACLIST command.
    • If your class is GENLISTed, refresh using the SETROPTS GENERIC command.
  7. PROFILESALLOWED: Before you change PROFILESALLOWED(YES) to PROFILESALLOWED(NO), delete all profiles from the class using the RDELETE command.
  8. RACLIST: Before you change RACLIST(REQUIRED) or RACLIST(ALLOWED) to RACLIST(DISALLOWED), do both of the following.
    1. Remove any RACLISTed profiles in the class by issuing the following command.
      SETROPTS NORACLIST(classname)

      Do not issue SETROPTS NORACLIST for an existing class when it shares a POSIT value with other classes that are active. This action might impact authorization processing for the other classes.

    2. Modify any applications that process RACLISTed profiles in that class.

Testing consideration: Consider how you can test your changes. If you have a test system that does not share a RACF database with your production system, you might be able to test the change with existing applications and RACF commands on your test system before activating the change on a production system. If your test system does share a RACF database with your production system, you might need to create a class in the dynamic CDT specifically for testing, and modify your applications to use the test class.

RRSF consideration: If you are using RACF remote sharing facility (RRSF) and change a dynamic CDT entry, consider updating the dynamic CDT entry on all systems that use the dynamic class. Also, see RRSF considerations for the dynamic CDT.