Display CCA domain roles

Use the ICSF panels to display the coprocessor role for the coprocessor. All the access control points enabled will be listed.
  1. Select option 1, COPROCESSOR MGMT, on the ICSF Primary Menu panel.
  2. The Coprocessor Management panel appears. Refer to Figure 1.
    Figure 1. Coprocessor Management Panel
     CSFCMP00 ---------------- ICSF Coprocessor Management -------- Row 1 to 7 of 7
     COMMAND ===> 
    Select the cryptographic features to be processed and press ENTER.
    Action characters are: A, D, E, K, R, S, and V. See the help panel for details.
      CRYPTO         SERIAL
      FEATURE        NUMBER         STATUS              AES DES ECC RSA P11
      -------       --------        --------------–---- --- --- --- --- ---
    . 4C00          16BA6173        Active               I   A   A   A
    . 4C01          16BA6174        Master key incorrect I   A   C   E
    . 4C02          16BA6175        Master key incorrect I   A   C   E
    . 4A03          N/A             Active
    . 4C04          16BA6199        Deactivated
    . 4P05          16BA6200        Active                               A
    . 4P06          16BA6201        Master key incorrect                 U
    ******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** 
  3. Select the desired coprocessor by entering an 'R' or 'V' to the left of the coprocessor.

    The display shown when 'R' is used (see Figure 2) lists all of the enabled access controls in alphabetic order.

    The display shown when 'V' is used (see Figure 6) lists all of the enabled access controls and the offset within the role.

    The list can be ordered by the access control name or the offset. Press enter and the Domain Role Display panel appears.
    Note: A TKE workstation is required in order to change the coprocessor role. See z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF TKE Workstation User's Guide.
    Figure 2. CCA Coprocessor Role Display panel
    Access Control Manager - Read role
    Authorize UDX
    AES Master Key - Clear new master key register
    AES Master Key - Combine key parts
    AES Master Key - Load first key part
    AES Master Key - Set master key
    Clear Key Import/Multiple Clear Key Import - DES
    Clear PIN Encrypt
    Clear PIN Generate - GBP
    Clear PIN Generate - Interbank
    Clear PIN Generate - VISA PVV
    Clear PIN Generate - 3624
    Clear PIN Generate Alternate - VISA PVV
    Clear PIN Generate Alternate - 3624 Offset
    Control Vector Translate
    Cryptographic Variable Encipher
    CKDS Conversion2 - Allow use of REFORMAT
    CKDS Conversion2 - Allow wrapping override keywords
    CKDS Conversion2 - Convert from enhanced to original
    CVV Key Combine
    CVV Key Combine - Allow wrapping override keywords
    CVV Key Combine - Permit mixed key types
    Data Key Export
    Data Key Export - Unrestricted
    Data Key Import
    Data Key Import - Unrestricted
    Decipher - DES
    Digital Signature Generate
    Digital Signature Verify
    Diversified Key Generate - Allow wrapping override keywords
    Diversified Key Generate - CLR8-ENC
    Diversified Key Generate - Single length or same halves
    Diversified Key Generate - SESS-XOR
    Diversified Key Generate - TDES-DEC
    Diversified Key Generate - TDES-ENC
    Diversified Key Generate - TDES-XOR
    Diversified Key Generate - TDESEMV2/TDESEMV4
    DATAM Key Management Control
    DES Master Key - Clear new master key register           
    DES Master Key - Combine key parts                       
    DES Master Key - Load first key part                     
    DES Master Key - Set master key   
    DUKPT - PIN Verify, PIN Translate                      
    Encipher - DES
    Encrypted PIN Generate - GBP                             
    Encrypted PIN Generate - Interbank                       
    Encrypted PIN Generate - 3624                            
    Encrypted PIN Translate - Reformat                       
    Figure 3. CCA Coprocessor Role Display panel - part 2
    Encrypted PIN Translate - Translate                      
    Encrypted PIN Verify - GBP                               
    Encrypted PIN Verify - Interbank
    Encrypted PIN Verify - VISA PVV                          
    Encrypted PIN Verify - 3624                              
    ECC Diffie-Hellman                                       
    ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow key wrap override             
    ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow BP Curve 160                  
    ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow BP Curve 192                  
    ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow BP Curve 224                  
    ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow BP Curve 256                  
    ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow BP Curve 320                  
    ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow BP Curve 384                  
    ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow BP Curve 512                  
    ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow Prime Curve 192               
    ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow Prime Curve 224               
    ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow Prime Curve 256               
    ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow Prime Curve 384               
    ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow Prime Curve 521               
    ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow PASSTHRU                      
    ECC Master Key - Clear new master key register           
    ECC Master Key - Combine key parts                       
    ECC Master Key - Load first key part                     
    ECC Master Key - Set master key                          
    HMAC Generate - SHA-1                                    
    HMAC Generate - SHA-224                                  
    HMAC Generate - SHA-256                                  
    HMAC Generate - SHA-384                                  
    HMAC Generate - SHA-512                                  
    HMAC Verify - SHA-1                                           
    HMAC Verify - SHA-224                                         
    HMAC Verify - SHA-256                                         
    HMAC Verify - SHA-384                                         
    HMAC Verify - SHA-512                                         
    Key Export                                                    
    Key Export - Unrestricted                                     
    Key Generate - Key set                                        
    Key Generate - Key set extended                               
    Key Generate - OP                                             
    Key Generate - SINGLE-R                                       
    Key Generate2 - Key set                                       
    Key Generate2 - OP                                            
    Key Import                                                    
    Key Import - Unrestricted                                     
    Key Part Import - first key part                              
    Key Part Import - middle and last                             
    Key Part Import - Allow wrapping override keywords            
    Key Part Import - ADD-PART                                    
    Key Part Import - COMPLETE                                    
    Key Part Import - Unrestricted                                
    Key Part Import2 - Add last required key part                 
    Key Part Import2 - Add optional key part                      
    Key Part Import2 - Add second of 3 or more key parts          
    Key Part Import2 - Complete key                               
    Key Part Import2 - Load first key part, require 1 key parts   
    Key Part Import2 - Load first key part, require 2 key parts   
    Key Part Import2 - Load first key part, require 3 key parts   
    Key Test and Key Test2                                        
    Key Test2 - AES, ENC-ZERO                                     
    Key Translate                                                 
    Key Translate2
    Key Translate2 - Allow use of REFORMAT                        
    Key Translate2 - Allow wrapping override keywords             
    Multiple Clear Key Import - Allow wrapping override keywords  
    Multiple Clear Key Import/Multiple Secure Key Import - AES    
    Multiple Secure Key Import - Allow wrapping override keywords 
    MAC Generate                                                  
    MAC Verify
    Figure 4. CCA Coprocessor Role Display panel – part 3
    NOCV KEK usage for export-related functions
    NOCV KEK usage for import-related functions
    Operational Key Load
    Prohibit Export
    Prohibit Export Extended
    PCF CKDS conversion utility
    PCF CKDS Conversion - Allow wrapping override keywords
    PIN Change/Unblock - change EMV PIN with IPINENC
    PIN Change/Unblock - change EMV PIN with OPINENC
    PKA Decrypt
    PKA Encrypt
    PKA Key Generate
    PKA Key Generate - Clear ECC keys
    PKA Key Generate - Clear RSA keys
    PKA Key Generate - Clone
    PKA Key Generate - Permit Regeneration Data
    PKA Key Generate - Permit Regeneration Data Retain
    PKA Key Import
    PKA Key Import - Import an external trusted block
    PKA Key Token Change RTCMK
    PKA Key Translate - from source EXP KEK to target EXP KEK
    PKA Key Translate - from source IMP KEK to target EXP KEK
    PKA Key Translate - from source IMP KEK to target IMP KEK
    PKA Key Translate - from CCA RSA to SC CRT Format
    PKA Key Translate - from CCA RSA to SC ME Format
    PKA Key Translate - from CCA RSA to SC Visa Format
    Reencipher CKDS2
    Reencipher CKDS
    Reencipher PKDS
    Remote Key Export - Gen or export a non-CCA node key
    Restrict Key Attribute - Export Control
    Restrict Key Attribute - Permit setting the TR-31 export bit
    Retained Key Delete
    Retained Key List
    RSA Master Key - Clear new master key register
    RSA Master Key - Combine key parts
    RSA Master Key - Load first key part
    RSA Master Key - Set master key                              
    Secure Key Import - DES,IM                                   
    Secure Key Import - DES,OP                                   
    Secure Key Import2 - IM                                      
    Secure Key Import2 - OP                                      
    Secure Messaging for Keys                                    
    Secure Messaging for PINs                                    
    Symmetric token wrapping - external enhanced method          
    Symmetric token wrapping - external original method          
    Symmetric token wrapping - internal enhanced method          
    Symmetric token wrapping - internal original method          
    Symmetric Algorithm Decipher - secure AES keys               
    Symmetric Algorithm Encipher - secure AES keys               
    Symmetric Key Encipher/Decipher - Encrypted AES keys
    Symmetric Key Encipher/Decipher - Encrypted DES keys         
    Symmetric Key Export - AES, PKCSOAEP, PKCS-1.2               
    Symmetric Key Export - AES, ZERO-PAD                         
    Symmetric Key Export - AES,PKOAEP2                           
    Symmetric Key Export - AESKW                                 
    Symmetric Key Export - DES, PKCS-1.2                         
    Symmetric Key Export - DES, ZERO-PAD                         
    Symmetric Key Export - HMAC,PKOAEP2  
    Figure 5. CCA Coprocessor Role Display panel – part 4
    Symmetric Key Generate - Allow wrapping override keywords    
    Symmetric Key Generate - AES, PKCSOAEP, PKCS-1.2             
    Symmetric Key Generate - AES, ZERO-PAD                       
    Symmetric Key Generate - DES, PKA92                          
    Symmetric Key Generate - DES, PKCS-1.2                       
    Symmetric Key Generate - DES, ZERO-PAD                       
    Symmetric Key Import - Allow wrapping override keywords      
    Symmetric Key Import - AES, PKCSOAEP, PKCS-1.2               
    Symmetric Key Import - AES, ZERO-PAD                         
    Symmetric Key Import - DES, PKA92 KEK                        
    Symmetric Key Import - DES, PKCS-1.2                         
    Symmetric Key Import - DES, ZERO-PAD                         
    Symmetric Key Import2 - AES,PKOAEP2                          
    Symmetric Key Import2 - AESKW                                
    Symmetric Key Import2 - HMAC,PKOAEP2                         
    Symmetric Key Token Change - RTCMK                           
    Symmetric Key Token Change2 - RTCMK                           
    SET Block Compose                                             
    SET Block Decompose                                           
    SET Block Decompose - PIN Extension IPINENC                   
    SET Block Decompose - PIN Extension OPINENC                   
    Transaction Validation - Generate                             
    Transaction Validation - Verify CSC-3                         
    Transaction Validation - Verify CSC-4                         
    Transaction Validation - Verify CSC-5                         
    Trusted Block Create - Activate an inactive block             
    Trusted Block Create - Create Block in inactive form          
    TR31 Export - Permit any CCA key if INCL-CV is specified      
    TR31 Export - Permit version A TR-31 key blocks               
    TR31 Export - Permit version B TR-31 key blocks               
    TR31 Export - Permit version C TR-31 key blocks               
    TR31 Export - Permit DATA to C0:G/C                           
    TR31 Export - Permit DATA to D0:B                             
    TR31 Export - Permit DKYGENKY:DKYL0+DALL to E4                
    TR31 Export - Permit DKYGENKY:DKYL0+DALL to E5                
    TR31 Export - Permit DKYGENKY:DKYL0+DDATA to E4               
    TR31 Export - Permit ENCIPHER/DECIPHER/CIPHER to D0:E/D/B     
    TR31 Export - Permit IPINENC to P0:D                          
    TR31 Export - Permit KEYGENKY:DUKPT to B0                      
    TR31 Export - Permit MAC/DATA/DATAM to M1:G/C                 
    TR31 Export - Permit MAC/DATA/DATAM to M3:G/C                 
    TR31 Export - Permit MAC/MACVER:ANY-MAC to C0:G/C/V           
    TR31 Export - Permit MACVER/DATAMV to M0:V                    
    TR31 Export - Permit MACVER/DATAMV to M1:V                    
    TR31 Export - Permit MACVER/DATAMV to M3:V                    
    TR31 Export - Permit OPINENC to P0:E                          
    TR31 Export - Permit PINGEN:NO-SPEC/IBM-PIN/IBM-PINO to V1    
    TR31 Export - Permit PINGEN:NO-SPEC/VISA-PVV to V2            
    TR31 Export - Permit PINVER:NO-SPEC/IBM-PIN/IBM-PINO to V1    
    TR31 Export - Permit PINVER:NO-SPEC/VISA-PVV to V2
    TR31 Import - Permit override of default wrapping method      
    TR31 Import - Permit version A TR-31 key blocks               
    TR31 Import - Permit version B TR-31 key blocks               
    TR31 Import - Permit version C TR-31 key blocks               
    TR31 Import - Permit E4 to DKYGENKY:DKYL0+DDATA       
    TR31 Import - Permit M0/M1/M3 to MAC/MACVER:ANY-MAC   
    TR31 Import - Permit P0:D to IPINENC                  
    TR31 Import - Permit P0:E to OPINENC                  
    TR31 Import - Permit V1 to PINGEN:IBM-PIN/IBM-PINO    
    TR31 Import - Permit V1 to PINVER:IBM-PIN/IBM-PINO    
    TR31 Import - Permit V2 to PINGEN:VISA-PVV            
    TR31 Import - Permit V2 to PINVER:VISA-PVV            
    VISA CVV Generate                                     
    VISA CVV Verify
Figure 6. CCA Domain Role Display panel
CSFCMP32 ----------------- ICSF - Domain Role Display ----- Row 1 to 35 of 278
COMMAND ===>                                                                  
Sort by control value (Y/N) ==> N                                             
Press END   to exit to the previous menu.                                     
Enabled access controls from the domain role for 5C37 domain 0                
0x0116   Access Control Manager - Read role                                   
0x02B1   Authentication Parameter Generate                                    
0x0240   Authorize UDX                                                        
0x0124   AES Master Key - Clear new master key register                       
0x0126   AES Master Key - Combine key parts                                   
0x0125   AES Master Key - Load first key part                                 
0x0128   AES Master Key - Set master key                                      
0x01C0   Cipher Text Translate2                                               
0x01C1   Cipher Text Translate2 - Allow translate from AES to TDES            
0x01C2   Cipher Text Translate2 - Allow translate to weaker AES               
0x01C3   Cipher Text Translate2 - Allow translate to weaker DES               
0x00C3   Clear Key Import/Multiple Clear Key Import - DES                     
0x00AF   Clear PIN Encrypt                                                    
0x00A1   Clear PIN Generate - GBP                                             
0x00A3   Clear PIN Generate - Interbank                                       
0x00A2   Clear PIN Generate - VISA PVV                                        
0x00A0   Clear PIN Generate - 3624                                            
0x00BB   Clear PIN Generate Alternate - VISA PVV                              
0x00A4   Clear PIN Generate Alternate - 3624 Offset                           
0x00D6   Control Vector Translate                                             
0x00DA   Cryptographic Variable Encipher
0x014C   CKDS Conversion2 - Allow use of REFORMAT                             
0x0146   CKDS Conversion2 - Allow wrapping override keywords                  
0x0147   CKDS Conversion2 - Convert from enhanced to original                 
0x0155   CVV Key Combine                                                      
0x0156   CVV Key Combine - Allow wrapping override keywords                   
0x0157   CVV Key Combine - Permit mixed key types                             
0x010A   Data Key Export                                                      
0x0277   Data Key Export - Unrestricted                                       
0x0109   Data Key Import                                                      
0x027C   Data Key Import - Unrestricted                                       
0x000F   Decipher - DES                                                       
0x0100   Digital Signature Generate                                           
0x0101   Digital Signature Verify                                             
0x02B8   Diversified Key Generate - TDES-CBC                                   
0x013D   Diversified Key Generate - Allow wrapping override keywords          
0x0040   Diversified Key Generate - CLR8-ENC                                  
0x0044   Diversified Key Generate - Single length or same halves              
0x0043   Diversified Key Generate - SESS-XOR                                  
0x0042   Diversified Key Generate - TDES-DEC                                  
0x0041   Diversified Key Generate - TDES-ENC                                  
0x0045   Diversified Key Generate - TDES-XOR                                  
0x0046   Diversified Key Generate - TDESEMV2/TDESEMV4                         
0x02D2   Diversified Key Generate2 - MK-OPTC                                  
0x02CC   Diversified Key Generate2 - SESS-ENC                                 
0x0275   DATAM Key Management Control                                         
0x0032   DES Master Key - Clear new master key register                       
0x0019   DES Master Key - Combine key parts                                   
0x0018   DES Master Key - Load first key part                                 
0x001A   DES Master Key - Set master key                                      
0x02C6   DK Deterministic PIN Generate                                        
0x02CE   DK Migrate PIN                                                       
0x02C5   DK PAN Modify in Transaction                                         
0x02C7   DK PAN Translate                                                     
Figure 7. CCA Domain Role Display panel - part 2
0x02C2   DK PIN Change                                                        
0x02C1   DK PIN Verify                                                        
0x02C3   DK PRW Card Number Update                                            
0x02C4   DK PRW CMAC Generate                                                 
0x02C0   DK Random PIN Generate                                               
0x02C8   DK Regenerate PRW                                                    
0x000E   Encipher - DES                                                       
0x00B1   Encrypted PIN Generate - GBP                                         
0x00B2   Encrypted PIN Generate - Interbank
0x00B0   Encrypted PIN Generate - 3624                                        
0x00B7   Encrypted PIN Translate - Reformat                                   
0x00B3   Encrypted PIN Translate - Translate                                  
0x00AC   Encrypted PIN Verify - GBP                                           
0x00AE   Encrypted PIN Verify - Interbank                                     
0x00AD   Encrypted PIN Verify - VISA PVV                                      
0x00AB   Encrypted PIN Verify - 3624                      
0x0360   ECC Diffie-Hellman                               
0x0362   ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow key wrap override     
0x0368   ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow BP Curve 160          
0x0369   ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow BP Curve 192          
0x036A   ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow BP Curve 224          
0x036B   ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow BP Curve 256          
0x036C   ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow BP Curve 320          
0x036D   ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow BP Curve 384          
0x036E   ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow BP Curve 512          
0x0363   ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow Prime Curve 192       
0x0364   ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow Prime Curve 224       
0x0365   ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow Prime Curve 256       
0x0366   ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow Prime Curve 384       
0x0367   ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow Prime Curve 521       
0x0361   ECC Diffie-Hellman - Allow PASSTHRU              
0x031F   ECC Master Key - Clear new master key register   
0x0321   ECC Master Key - Combine key parts               
0x0320   ECC Master Key - Load first key part             
0x0322   ECC Master Key - Set master key                  
0x02D0   FPE Decrypt                                      
0x02CF   FPE Encrypt                                      
0x02D1   FPE Translate                                    
0x00E4   HMAC Generate - SHA-1                            
0x00E5   HMAC Generate - SHA-224                          
0x00E6   HMAC Generate - SHA-256                          
0x00E7   HMAC Generate - SHA-384                          
0x00E8   HMAC Generate - SHA-512                          
0x00F7   HMAC Verify - SHA-1                              
0x00F8   HMAC Verify - SHA-224                            
0x00F9   HMAC Verify - SHA-256                            
0x00FA   HMAC Verify - SHA-384                            
0x00FB   HMAC Verify - SHA-512                            
0x0013   Key Export                                       
0x0276   Key Export - Unrestricted
0x008C   Key Generate - Key set                                              
0x00D7   Key Generate - Key set extended                                     
0x008E   Key Generate - OP                                                   
0x00DB   Key Generate - SINGLE-R                                             
0x00EB   Key Generate2 - Key set                                             
0x00EC   Key Generate2 - Key set extended                                    
0x00EA   Key Generate2 - OP                                                  
0x0012   Key Import                                                          
0x027B   Key Import - Unrestricted                                           
0x001B   Key Part Import - first key part                                    
0x001C   Key Part Import - middle and last                                   
0x0140   Key Part Import - Allow wrapping override keywords                  
Figure 8. CCA Domain Role Display panel - part 3
0x0278   Key Part Import - ADD-PART                                          
0x0279   Key Part Import - COMPLETE                                          
0x027A   Key Part Import - Unrestricted                                      
0x029B   Key Part Import2 - Add last required key part                       
0x029C   Key Part Import2 - Add optional key part                            
0x029A   Key Part Import2 - Add second of 3 or more key parts                
0x029D   Key Part Import2 - Complete key                                     
0x0299   Key Part Import2 - Load first key part, require 1 key parts         
0x0298   Key Part Import2 - Load first key part, require 2 key parts         
0x0297   Key Part Import2 - Load first key part, require 3 key parts         
0x001D   Key Test and Key Test2                                              
0x0021   Key Test2 - AES, ENC-ZERO                                           
0x001F   Key Translate                                                       
0x0149   Key Translate2                                                      
0x014B   Key Translate2 - Allow use of REFORMAT                              
0x014A   Key Translate2 - Allow wrapping override keywords                   
0x0141   Multiple Clear Key Import - Allow wrapping override keywords        
0x0129   Multiple Clear Key Import/Multiple Secure Key Import - AES          
0x0142   Multiple Secure Key Import - Allow wrapping override keywords       
0x0010   MAC Generate                                                        
0x0336   MAC Generate2 - AES CMAC                                            
0x0011   MAC Verify                                                          
0x0337   MAC Verify2 - AES CMAC                                              
0x0300   NOCV KEK usage for export-related functions                  
0x030A   NOCV KEK usage for import-related functions                  
0x0309   Operational Key Load                                         
0x029E   Operational Key Load - Variable-Length Tokens                
0x00CD   Prohibit Export                                              
0x0301   Prohibit Export Extended                                     
0x0303   PCF CKDS conversion utility
0x0148   PCF CKDS Conversion - Allow wrapping override keywords       
0x00BD   PIN Change/Unblock - change EMV PIN with IPINENC             
0x00BC   PIN Change/Unblock - change EMV PIN with OPINENC             
0x011F   PKA Decrypt                                                  
0x011E   PKA Encrypt                                                  
0x0103   PKA Key Generate                                             
0x0326   PKA Key Generate - Clear ECC keys                            
0x0205   PKA Key Generate - Clear RSA keys                            
0x0204   PKA Key Generate - Clone                                     
0x027D   PKA Key Generate - Permit Regeneration Data                  
0x027E   PKA Key Generate - Permit Regeneration Data Retain           
0x0104   PKA Key Import                                               
0x0311   PKA Key Import - Import an external trusted block            
0x0102   PKA Key Token Change RTCMK                                   
0x031B   PKA Key Translate - from source EXP KEK to target EXP KEK    
0x031C   PKA Key Translate - from source IMP KEK to target EXP KEK    
0x031D   PKA Key Translate - from source IMP KEK to target IMP KEK    
0x031A   PKA Key Translate - from CCA RSA to SC CRT Format            
0x0319   PKA Key Translate - from CCA RSA to SC ME Format             
0x0318   PKA Key Translate - from CCA RSA to SC Visa Format           
0x033A   PKA Key Translate - from CCA RSA CRT to EMV CRT format       
0x0338   PKA Key Translate - from CCA RSA CRT to EMV DDA format       
0x0339   PKA Key Translate - from CCA RSA CRT to EMV DDAE format      
0x00FF   PKA Key Translate - Translate external key token             
0x00FE   PKA Key Translate - Translate internal key token             
0x02B0   Recover PIN From Offset                                      
0x001E   Reencipher CKDS                                              
0x00F0   Reencipher CKDS2                                             
0x0241   Reencipher PKDS                                                 
0x0312   Remote Key Export - Gen or export a non-CCA node key            
0x00E9   Restrict Key Attribute - Export Control                         
0x0154   Restrict Key Attribute - Permit setting the TR-31 export bit    
0x0203   Retained Key Delete                                             
0x0230   Retained Key List                                               
0x0060   RSA Master Key - Clear new master key register                  
Figure 9. CCA Domain Role Display panel - part 4
0x0054   RSA Master Key - Combine key parts                              
0x0053   RSA Master Key - Load first key part                            
0x0057   RSA Master Key - Set master key                                 
0x00DC   Secure Key Import - DES,IM                                      
0x00C4   Secure Key Import - DES,OP                                      
0x00F3   Secure Key Import2 - IM                                         
0x00F2   Secure Key Import2 - OP 
0x0273   Secure Messaging for Keys                                       
0x0274   Secure Messaging for PINs                                       
0x013B   Symmetric token wrapping - external enhanced method             
0x013C   Symmetric token wrapping - external original method             
0x0139   Symmetric token wrapping - internal enhanced method             
0x013A   Symmetric token wrapping - internal original method             
0x012B   Symmetric Algorithm Decipher - secure AES keys                  
0x012A   Symmetric Algorithm Encipher - secure AES keys                  
0x0296   Symmetric Key Encipher/Decipher - Encrypted AES keys            
0x0295   Symmetric Key Encipher/Decipher - Encrypted DES keys            
0x0130   Symmetric Key Export - AES, PKCSOAEP, PKCS-1.2                  
0x0131   Symmetric Key Export - AES, ZERO-PAD                            
0x00FC   Symmetric Key Export - AES,PKOAEP2                              
0x0327   Symmetric Key Export - AESKW                                    
0x02B3   Symmetric Key Export - AESKWCV                                  
0x0105   Symmetric Key Export - DES, PKCS-1.2                            
0x023E   Symmetric Key Export - DES, ZERO-PAD                            
0x00F5   Symmetric Key Export - HMAC,PKOAEP2                             
0x02B5   Symmetric Key Export with Data                                  
0x02B6   Symmetric Key Export with Data - Special                        
0x013E   Symmetric Key Generate - Allow wrapping override keywords       
0x012C   Symmetric Key Generate - AES, PKCSOAEP, PKCS-1.2             
0x012D   Symmetric Key Generate - AES, ZERO-PAD                       
0x010D   Symmetric Key Generate - DES, PKA92                          
0x023F   Symmetric Key Generate - DES, PKCS-1.2                       
0x023C   Symmetric Key Generate - DES, ZERO-PAD                       
0x0144   Symmetric Key Import - Allow wrapping override keywords      
0x012E   Symmetric Key Import - AES, PKCSOAEP, PKCS-1.2               
0x012F   Symmetric Key Import - AES, ZERO-PAD                         
0x0235   Symmetric Key Import - DES, PKA92 KEK                        
0x0106   Symmetric Key Import - DES, PKCS-1.2                         
0x023D   Symmetric Key Import - DES, ZERO-PAD                         
0x02B9   Symmetric Key Import2 - Allow wrapping override keywords     
0x00FD   Symmetric Key Import2 - AES,PKOAEP2                          
0x0329   Symmetric Key Import2 - AESKW                                
0x02B4   Symmetric Key Import2 - AESKWCV                              
0x00F4   Symmetric Key Import2 - HMAC,PKOAEP2                         
0x0090   Symmetric Key Token Change - RTCMK                           
0x00F1   Symmetric Key Token Change2 - RTCMK                          
0x010B   SET Block Compose                                            
0x010C   SET Block Decompose                                          
0x0121   SET Block Decompose - PIN Extension IPINENC
0x0122   SET Block Decompose - PIN Extension OPINENC                  
0x0291   Transaction Validation - Generate                            
0x0292   Transaction Validation - Verify CSC-3                        
0x0293   Transaction Validation - Verify CSC-4                        
0x0294   Transaction Validation - Verify CSC-5                        
0x0310   Trusted Block Create - Activate an inactive block            
0x030F   Trusted Block Create - Create Block in inactive form         
0x0158   TR31 Export - Permit any CCA key if INCL-CV is specified     
0x014D   TR31 Export - Permit version A TR-31 key blocks              
0x014E   TR31 Export - Permit version B TR-31 key blocks              
0x014F   TR31 Export - Permit version C TR-31 key blocks              
0x0184   TR31 Export - Permit DATA to C0:G/C                          
0x0186   TR31 Export - Permit DATA to D0:B                            
0x01AB   TR31 Export - Permit DKYGENKY:DKYL0+DALL to E4               
0x01AF   TR31 Export - Permit DKYGENKY:DKYL0+DALL to E5                        
0x01AA   TR31 Export - Permit DKYGENKY:DKYL0+DDATA to E4                       
Figure 10. CCA Domain Role Display panel - part 5
0x0185   TR31 Export - Permit ENCIPHER/DECIPHER/CIPHER to D0:E/D/B             
0x0192   TR31 Export - Permit IPINENC to P0:D                                  
0x0180   TR31 Export - Permit KEYGENKY:DUKPT to B0                              
0x018D   TR31 Export - Permit MAC/DATA/DATAM to M1:G/C                         
0x018F   TR31 Export - Permit MAC/DATA/DATAM to M3:G/C                         
0x0183   TR31 Export - Permit MAC/MACVER:ANY-MAC to C0:G/C/V                   
0x018C   TR31 Export - Permit MACVER/DATAMV to M0:V                            
0x018E   TR31 Export - Permit MACVER/DATAMV to M1:V                            
0x0190   TR31 Export - Permit MACVER/DATAMV to M3:V                            
0x0191   TR31 Export - Permit OPINENC to P0:E                                  
0x0196   TR31 Export - Permit PINGEN:NO-SPEC/IBM-PIN/IBM-PINO to V1            
0x0198   TR31 Export - Permit PINGEN:NO-SPEC/VISA-PVV to V2                    
0x0195   TR31 Export - Permit PINVER:NO-SPEC/IBM-PIN/IBM-PINO to V1            
0x0197   TR31 Export - Permit PINVER:NO-SPEC/VISA-PVV to V2                    
0x0153   TR31 Import - Permit override of default wrapping method              
0x0150   TR31 Import - Permit version A TR-31 key blocks                       
0x0151   TR31 Import - Permit version B TR-31 key blocks                       
0x0152   TR31 Import - Permit version C TR-31 key blocks                       
0x0178   TR31 Import - Permit E4 to DKYGENKY:DKYL0+DDATA                       
0x0164   TR31 Import - Permit M0/M1/M3 to MAC/MACVER:ANY-MAC                   
0x0166   TR31 Import - Permit P0:D to IPINENC                                  
0x0165   TR31 Import - Permit P0:E to OPINENC                                  
0x0169   TR31 Import - Permit V1 to PINGEN:IBM-PIN/IBM-PINO                    
0x016A   TR31 Import - Permit V1 to PINVER:IBM-PIN/IBM-PINO                    
0x016B   TR31 Import - Permit V2 to PINGEN:VISA-PVV                            
0x016C   TR31 Import - Permit V2 to PINVER:VISA-PVV                            
0x01C8   Unique Key Derive                                                     
0x01CA   Unique Key Derive - Override default wrapping                         
0x00E1   DUKPT - PIN Verify, PIN Translate                                      
0x00DF   VISA CVV Generate                                                     
0x00E0   VISA CVV Verify                                                       
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