Example 9: Unload Selected Members, Load, Copy and Merge

In this example, members are selected, excluded, unloaded, loaded, and copied. Processing will occur as follows:

  1. unload, excluding members
  2. unload, selecting members
  3. load and copy to merge members
  //COPY     JOB  ...
  //PDS1     DD  DSNAME=ACCOUNTA,UNIT=disk,VOL=SER=333333,
  //             DISP=OLD
  //PDS2     DD  DSNAME=ACCOUNTB,UNIT=disk,VOL=SER=333333,
  //             DISP=OLD
  //SEQ1     DD  DSNAME=SAVAC,UNIT=disk,VOL=SER=333333,
  //             DISP=(NEW,KEEP),SPACE=(CYL,(5,2))
  //SEQ2     DD  DSNAME=SAVACB,UNIT=tape,VOL=SER=T01911,
  //             DISP=(NEW,KEEP),LABEL=(,SL)
  //             DISP=OLD,LABEL=(,SL)
  //             DISP=OLD
  //SYSUT3   DD  DSNAME=TEMP1,VOL=SER=666666,UNIT=disk,
  //             DISP=(NEW,DELETE),SPACE=(80,(1,1))
  //SYSUT4   DD  DSNAME=TEMP2,VOL=SER=666666,UNIT=disk,
  //             DISP=(NEW,DELETE),SPACE=(256,(1,1)),DCB=(KEYLEN=8)
  //SYSIN    DD  *
       SELECT    MEMBER=(A,K)

The control statements are as follows:

  • PDS1 DD defines a partitioned data set called ACCOUNTA that contains six members (A, B, C, D, E, and F).
  • PDS2 DD defines a partitioned data set called ACCOUNTB that contains three members (A, K, and L).
  • SEQ1 DD defines a new sequential data set called SAVAC.
  • SEQ2 DD defines a new sequential data set called SAVACB on a tape volume. The tape has IBM standard labels.
  • NEWUP DD defines an old sequential data set called NEWACC that is the unloaded form of a partitioned data set that contains eight members (A, B, C, D, M, N, O, and P). It resides on a tape volume.
  • MERGE DD defines a partitioned data set called ACCUPDAT that contains six members (A, B, C, D, Q, and R).
  • SYSUT3 and SYSUT4 DD define temporary spill data sets.
  • SYSIN DD defines the control data set, which follows in the input stream.
  • The first COPY statement indicates the start of the first copy operation. The OUTDD parameter specifies that SAVAC is the output data set, and the INNDD parameter specifies that ACCOUNTA is the input data set. Because SAVAC is a sequential data set, ACCOUNTA will be unloaded in this copy operation.

    The EXCLUDE statement specifies that members D and C are not to be unloaded to SAVAC with the rest of ACCOUNTA.

  • The second COPY statement indicates the start of the second copy operation. The OUTDD parameter specifies that SAVACB is the output data set, and the INDD parameter specifies that ACCOUNTB is the input data set. Because SAVACB is a sequential data set, ACCOUNTB will be unloaded in this copy operation.

    The SELECT statement specifies that members A and K are the only members of ACCOUNTB that are to be unloaded to SAVACB.

  • The third COPY statement indicates the start of the last copy operation. The OUTDD parameter specifies that ACCUPDAT is the output data set. The EXCLUDE statement specifies that member A is excluded from this copy operation. The three data sets specified in the INDD parameter will be processed as follows:
    1. The data set NEWACC is a sequential data set, so it is loaded into ACCUPDAT. Because the replace option is specified, members B, C, and D in NEWACC replace identically named members in ACCUPDAT. The remaining members of NEWACC are also copied to ACCUPDAT, except for A, which is excluded from the copy operation.
    2. The data set ACCOUNTA is a partitioned data set, so its members are copied to ACCUPDAT. Because replacement is not specified, only members E and F are copied.
    3. The data set ACCOUNTB is a partitioned data set, so its members are copied to ACCUPDAT. Only members K and L are copied.