There are two CCA callable services to manage and use trusted blocks: Trusted Block Create (CSNDTBC and CSNETBC) and Remote Key Export (CSNDRKX and CSNFRKX). The Trusted Block Create service creates a trusted block, and the Remote Key Export service uses a trusted block to generate or export DES keys according to the parameters in the trusted block. The trusted block consists of a header followed by several sections. Some elements are required, while others are optional.
Here is a brief description of the elements that are depicted.
Structure version information - This identifies the version of the trusted block structure. It is included so that code can differentiate between this trusted block layout and others that may be developed in the future.
Public key - This contains the RSA public key and its attributes. For distribution of keys to a remote ATM, this will be the root certification key for the ATM vendor, and it will be used to verify the signature on public-key certificates for specific individual ATMs. In this case, the Trusted Block will also contain Rules that will be used to generate or export symmetric keys for the ATMs. It is also possible for the Trusted Block to be used simply as a trusted public key container, and in this case the Public Key in the block will be used in general-purpose cryptographic functions such as digital signature verification. The public key attributes contain information on key usage restrictions. This is used to securely control what operations will be permitted to use the public key. If desired, the public key can be restricted to use for only digital signature operations, or for only key management operations.
Trusted block name - This field optionally contains a text string that is a name (key label) for the trusted block. It is included in the block for use by an external system such as a host computer, and not by the card itself. In the zSeries system, the label can be checked by RACF to determine if use of the block is authorized. It is possible to disable use of trusted blocks that have been compromised or need to be removed from use for other reasons by publishing a revocation list containing the key names for the blocks that must not be used. Code in the host system could check each trusted block prior to it being used in the cryptographic coprocessor, to ensure that the name from that block is not in the revocation list.
Expiration date and activation dates - The trusted block can optionally contain an expiration date and an activation date. The activation date is the first day on which the block can be used, and the expiration date is the last day when the block can be used. If these dates are present, the date checking flag in the trusted block will indicate whether the coprocessor should check the dates using its internal real-time clock. In the case of a system that does set the coprocessor clock, checking would have to be performed by an application program prior to using the trusted block. This is not quite as secure, but it is still valuable, and storing the dates in the block itself is preferable to making the application store it somewhere else and maintain the association between the separate trusted block and activation and expiration dates.
Application-defined data - The trusted block can hold data defined and understood only by the host application program. This data is included in the protected contents of the trusted block, but it is not used or examined in any way by the coprocessor. By including its own data in the trusted block, an application can guarantee that the data is not changed in any way, since it is protected in the same way as the other trusted block contents.
Field name | Required field | Description |
Rule ID | Yes | Specifies the 8-character name of the rule |
Operation | Yes | Indicates whether this rule generates a new key or exports an existing key |
Generated key length | Yes | Specifies the length of the key to be generated |
Key-check algorithm ID | Yes | Specifies which algorithm to use to compute
the optional key-check value (KCV). Options are
Symmetric-encrypted output format | Yes | Specifies the format of the required symmetric-encrypted
key output. Options are:
Asymmetric-encrypted output format | Yes | Specifies the format of the optional asymmetric-encrypted
key output (key is encrypted with RSA). Options are:
Transport-key variant | No | Specifies the variant to apply to the transport key prior to it being used to encrypt the key being generated or exported |
Export key CV | No | Specifies the CCA CV to apply to the transport key prior to it being used to encrypt the key being generated or exported. The CV defines permitted uses for the exported key. |
Export key length limits | No | Defines the minimum and maximum lengths of the key that can be exported with this rule. |
Output key variant | No | Specifies the variant to apply to the generated or exported key prior to it being encrypted. |
Export-key rule reference | No | Specifies the rule ID for the rule that must have been used to generate the key being exported, if that key is an RKX key token. |
Export-key CV restrictions | No | Defines masks and templates to use to restrict the possible CV values that a source key can have when being exported with RKX. Only applies if the key is a CCA key token. This can control the types of CCA keys that can be processed using the rule. |
Export-key label template | No | Specifies the key label of the key token that contains the source key to be exported. A key label is a name used to identify a key. The rule can optionally contain a key label template, which will be matched against the host-supplied key label, using a wildcard (*) so that the template can match a set of related key labels. The operation will only be accepted if the supplied label matches the wildcard template in the rule. |