BDT2866   STOP SESSION INITIATED - node-name (appl-id) - ERC=(code)


The session with the indicated node (node-name) is terminating.

ERC=(code) contains an error code and possibly a reason code. The possible error and reason codes, are listed below:

Error Code Meaning Reason Code Meaning
304 Function management header received. Detected by module BDTSCRCX, BDTSCRCV, or BDTSNRRX. None None
308 Bracket flags received. Detected by module BDTSCRCX, BDTSCRCV, or BDTSNRRX. None None
30C Nondata RU received. Detected by module BDTSCRCX, BDTSCRCV, or BDTSNRRX. None None
310 Buffer truncated by VTAM. Detected by module BDTSCRCX, BDTSCRCV, or BDTSNRRX. None None
314 Invalid VLU ID received. Detected by module BDTSCRCX, BDTSCRCV, or BDTSNRRX. None None
318 BDT buffer sequence check. Detected by module BDTSCRCX, BDTSCRCV, or BDTSNRRX. None None
320 Unsupported data compression type. Detected by module BDTSCRCX, BDTSCRCV, or BDTSNRRX. None None
324 Buffer overrun. Detected by module BDTSCRCX, BDTSCRCV, or BDTSNRRX. None None
328 Output queue depth negative. Detected by module BDTSCRCX, BDTSCRCV, or BDTSNRRX. None None
32C Pending ACK count negative. Detected by module BDTSCRCX, BDTSCRCV, or BDTSNRRX. None None
330 Receive exit error (PUTBUF). Detected by module BDTSCRCX, BDTSCRCV, or BDTSNRRX. 104



Invalid request parameters

Unsupported buffer size
Buffer pool exhausted
Invalid buffer or buffer address
No buffers available
Allocated buffer found on free chain
Attempt to return unallocated buffer
SNA buffer pool damaged
Unsupported buffer size
Buffer pool exhausted
Invalid buffer or buffer address
No buffers available
Allocated buffer found on free chain
Attempt to return unallocated buffer
SNA buffer pool damaged
GETMAIN failure attempting to
allocate storage for a SNA buffer
FREEMAIN failure attempting to
unallocate storage previously
obtained for a SNA buffer

334 Receive exit error (GETBUF). Detected by module BDTSCRCX, BDTSCRCV, or BDTSNRRX. Same— as error code 330 reason codes above
338 Receive RPL active. Detected by module BDTSCRCX, BDTSCRCV, or BDTSNRRX. None None
33C Abnormal return from send routine. Detected by module BDTSCRCX, BDTSCRCV, or BDTSNRRX. 404 Send RPL active
504 Send exit error (PUTBUF). Detected by module BDTSCSDX. 408 Same— VTAM send request failed as error code 330 reason codes above
508 Abnormal return from send routine. Detected by module BDTSCSDX. 404


Send RPL already active
  • 408 means VTAM send request failed
  • aa is VTAM general return code
  • bb is VTAM request code
584 Invalid RCB or inactive NJE data stream. Detected by module BDTSNRRX. None None
704 VTAM request failed. Detected by module BDTSCCHK. aabbccdd
  • aa is RPLREQ — VTAM request code
  • bb is reg. 15 on return from CHECK macro (VTAM general return code)
  • cc is RPLRTNCD — VTAM return code
  • dd is RPLFDB2 — VTAM feedback code
Note: See the VTAM Programming manual for an explanation of these fields.
808 Invalid DFASY request. Detected by module BDTSCDFX. rplcntsc RPLCNTSC field of VTAM RPL
80C Invalid RSHUTD received. Detected by module BDTSCDFX. rplcntsc RPLCNTSC field of VTAM RPL
810 Invalid SHUTD received. Detected by module BDTSCDFX. rplcntsc RPLCNTSC field of VTAM RPL
814 Invalid SHUTC received. Detected by module BDTSCDFX. rplcntsc RPLCNTSC field of VTAM RPL
818 Normal session quiesce. Detected by module BDTSCDFX. rplcntsc RPLCNTSC field of VTAM RPL
Note: See z/OS Communications Server: SNA Programming for an explanation of these fields.
904 LOSTERM exit entered. Detected by module BDTSCLTX. losterm LOSTERM entry code reason defined in previous message BDT2845
A04 Unexpected response exit. Detected by module BDTSCRSX. rplcntrl RPLCNTRL field of ACF/VTAM RPL. See VTAM Programming for an explanation.
B04 Unrecognized SCIP exit. Detected by module BDTSCSPX. None None
C04 SNA manager going down. Detected by module BDTSCWTD or BDTSCWTL. 0


Operator issued Z NET

Operator issued Z NET,QUICK
Operator issued Z NET,CANCEL
Operator issued C SNA,NODE=ALL

C0C Abnormal return from receive routine. Detected by module BDTSCWTD or BDTSCWTL. 104


Invalid request parameters

Unsupported buffer size
Buffer pool exhausted
Invalid buffer or buffer address
No buffers available
Allocated buffer found on free chain
Attempt to return unallocated buffer
SNA buffer pool damaged
Receive RPL active
Session buffer limit exceeded

C10 Normal session quiesce. Detected by module BDTSCWTD or BDTSCWTL. None None
C14 GETMAIN failed for session quiesce. Detected by module BDTSCWTD or BDTSCWTL. None None
D04 Operator canceled session. Detected by module BDTSCCM1. None None
Note: The error and reason codes are intended primarily to assist in problem determination and should be included as symptoms when reporting problems to your system support center. Trailing zeros in the reason codes are not necessarily suppressed. If present, the reason code, located in register 0 (R0), further defines the nature of the failure. It can be from 1 to 8 characters in length.

System action

Processing continues.

Operator response

If the SNA manager is terminating for a reason other than your requesting it, notify your system programmer.

System programmer response

If the SNA manager is terminating abnormally, see the accompanying messages and codes.

User response

