Initializing an emulated CKD device on a 3370 FBA device

To emulate a CKD device on a 3370 FBA device:

  1. Use ICKDSF to initialize the FBA disk for use. If you have not already done so, initialize the FBA disk with the FBAVTOC in the standard location (FBAVTOC(2,56,1024)) and write a volume label. For an example of initializing, see Figure 1.
  2. Run the format-emulated extent utility (INITEM). For a description, see VSE/ESA System Utilities, SC33-6517.
  3. If it is not already active, activate the Direct Access Storage Compatibility Feature.
  4. Use the ICKDSF INIT command to initialize the emulated CKD disk for use.

    For fully-emulated CKD devices, use:

           VOLID(volser) MIMIC(EMUALL) DEVTYPE(type)

    For partially-emulated CKD devices, use:

           VOLID(volser) MIMIC(EMU(n)) DEVTYPE(type)

    Usage Notes:

    • For type, substitute the device type to be emulated.
    • For n, substitute the same number of cylinders that you gave as the size of the sub-disk during the INITEM program/operator dialog. ICKDSF does not check the validity of n.
    • INIT writes a special data set control block (DSCB) on the partial CKD device to ensure that the nonexistent cylinders are never accessed.
    • The drive test function of the ANALYZE command does not operate on CKD devices being emulated on FBA devices.