Deploying Maximo Manage in Maximo Application Suite

By deploying and activating Maximo® Manage , Maximo Manage is available for use in IBM® Maximo Application Suite.

A system administrator can do the following tasks:
  • Configure your database for Maximo Manage
  • Select and deploy industry solutions and add-ons with Maximo Manage
  • Set up additional configurations.
  • Grant users access permission to use Maximo Manage after the deployment is completed.
  • Complete additional post deployment and administration tasks.

Maximo Application Suite is a suite of asset management and data analytic offerings. Maximo Application Suite is offered as a customer-managed product on Red Hat® OpenShift® and as an IBM Managed solution. It is also available as a SaaS offering.

As a system administrator, you can deploy and activate Maximo Manage and related industry solutions and add-ons in Maximo Application Suite. After you install Maximo Manage, the architecture is as shown in the following figure.
Figure 1. Maximo Manage in Maximo Application Suite
A system diagram that shows the components of Maximo Manage in Maximo Application Suite

When you want to connect to a particular database or install an add-on, a customer resource is generated to specify exactly what you want to do. The Maximo Manage operator generates the admin image and the server bundle images. The server bundle images are the Liberty servers because, for example, if you want to install industry solutions, the server must be deployed there. The operator completes these tasks. Then, those finalized images are placed in the local image registry or a customer-provided image registry. The operator issues commands to the Admin pod and the database to configure the database. When the configuration is done, the operator starts the Liberty servers and makes the routes available, so users can start to connect to it. The operator automates the whole deployment.

Before you deploy, verify that the following tasks are complete:

Complete the following tasks to deploy and access Maximo Manage in Maximo Application Suite:
  1. Review the Plan and prepare Maximo Manage for the deployment section. It provides instructions, such as preparing your database, provisioning persistent storage if you want to, configuring your customization archive, and other tasks.
  2. Review the Deploying and activating Maximo Manage section, which provides the necessary steps to deploy and activate Maximo Manage and how to monitor its deployment progress. The following steps are a summary:
    1. Deploy Maximo Manage application.
    2. Configure Maximo Manage to connect to your database and for example, select industry solutions and add-ons to co-deploy with Manage, set the languages, configure the customization archive, configure external file storage, and other tasks.
    3. Activate Maximo Manage for use in Maximo Application Suite.
    4. Monitor the Maximo Manage deployment and when completed, do the Post-deployment configurations.

You can also upgrade to Maximo Manage from Maximo Asset Management. Before you upgrade, you must have and or or installed. Learn more about upgrading to Maximo Manage.